Chapter 6

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*3rd person Pov*

Six found herself alone in the wintery streets of a city she could not recognize. Her mind was swimming with questions of where she was and why she felt the sudden need to run.

She got her answer sooner than expected. When a whitish blue glitching devil busted through the brick wall behind her and roared in her face with a distorted primal scream. Six, like any person who has a working brain, bolted in the opposite direction.

The glitching devil, of course, pursued, chasing her like she was its mortal enemy. It snatched up an 18-wheeler mid sprint and threw it at her with a surge of static. Six twisted on her heel and dove into an alley to her left, leaving the truck to crash into the asphalt, only inches from her leg. Black began coiling out from her sleeves and turning the nearby shadows into liquid darkness. She dove into the nearest puddle just as the glitching devil rounded the corner.

She reimerged from another shadow, somewhere else in the city. It probably wasn't as far as what was needed, but she would make it work.

Or so she thought....

The buildings and city around her begin to shift and buckle, bending and twisting as if made of clay. Street lights short out, fissures open up in the asphalt and cobbles as the entire ciry around her was rearranged.

Six stared ahead, ahead towards what could be considered the consequences of her actions. She found herself surrounded, surrounded by the darkness she thought she had tamed. The Glitching Devil, it had her now. It loomed overhead with a pale white eye.

She felt a knife in her hands, the blade shining in the dull static light, flashing across the edges of her vision. The Glitching Devil grabbed her hands, forced her to raise the knife up, and turned it towards her neck.

Six's lungs fought to breathe, and her muscles demanded action. But there came none, no air, no ability to resist.

There was only fear, so much she couldn't breathe enough to scream. With her hands being guided by the monster she created, Six raised the blade upwards.

And plunged it into her throat.

Six's eyes snapped open. She sprung herself into a sitting up position and nearly headbutted her shadow had the latter not been intangible in that moment. Her mind spun like a callidascope, and her vision stirred like a stormy sea.

Every sound was too loud, and every light, no matter how dim, felt too bright. She swore beneath her breath and covered her ears as she tried to pull herself together.

When she finally did, Six found herself left with a subtle throbbing across her frontal lobe. It wasn't pleasant, but better. She could always ask the school nurse for some migrane meds if it got worse.

Her shadow giggled nearby, whether or not laughing at her pain or her reaction, Six couldn't tell.

Six: "What the hell are you laughing at?" She snaps, her voice sounding more strangled than she wanted it to, though she wasn't sure why.

The shadow smiled and floated towards the other side of the bed. It took up a lounging pose mid air, before speaking in its crooked whisper.

Shadow Six: "That one seemed like more of a doozy than the others. Wanna talk about it?" It said sarcastically.

Six facepalmed.

Shadow Six: "I'll take that as a no, then. Well, that's fine, you ought to get dressed. Oh, and comb your hair. You look like a mama crow made her nest in there, but she was trippin' off the zaaaaaa~, " the shadow teased.

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