Chapter 8

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*3rd person POV*

Six stood across from Zeke as the taller boy powered up. His eyes left trails of blue as he looked at her with malice.

Six: "You started it, asshole. Feel free to finish what you began. Go ahead. Make my fucking week." She taunted while circling to his right.

Zeke's expression darkened at that. How dare she speak to him like that? Who the hell did she think she was? He clenched his jaw. Oh, how little he knew. This girl could kill him.

"I can't wait to teach you a lesson about respect. I'll make you apologize to me and beg for mercy."

He lunged forward, swinging a fist at her face. Much to his surprise, Six was completely unprepared for how fast he was and ended up taking the punch straight to the face. The strike was hard enough to send the short girl tumbling several yards away, parallel to the wall furthest from the Cafeteria's entrance.

Zeke watched as she went flying and hit the ground. A slight look of shock passed over him for a split second, but it quickly vanished once he realized that he had hit her. His face broke out into a sinister grin as he confidently sauntered over, looking pretty smug.

"Heh... You're not as strong as I expected, new girl. That was easier than I thought. All that talk and you can't back it up? As a matter of fact, you haven't even powered up yet."

"Don't tell me you can't?" He said, looking outright offended at what he thought was a cripple having the gall to talk back to him.

Six sat up, shaking off the dizziness from the hit to the face and spitting some blood out of her mouth. She dusted her raincoat off and looked up at him.

Six: "God can you shut up already? You keep yapping and trying to impress me like I'm your alcoholic mother." She said while brushing her hair from her eyes.

Zeke scoffed and rolled his eyes. He got a little closer, towering over her where she sat on the ground. He looked down at her with a condescending expression.

"You just don't know when to quit, do you? Well, you're gonna have to learn."

He aimed a kick at her side, clearly intending to make it hurt.

Six: "Be a good sport and grab mamma another beer won't you?" She said as she caught his foot before he could bring it back, and stabbed him through his shoe with a pen. The same pen she had taken from Elaine a day prior.

Zeke grunted and stumbled back, wincing in pain as he grumbled incoherently. He lifted his foot and pulled the pen out, he could already feel the blood seeping from the wound. Clearly, he never expected her to fight dirty, but then again, who would?

"AGH- What the fu-" He tried to say, but was cut off mid-sentence when Six suddenly sprung up from the floor and slammed her fist straight into his Adam's apple. Leading to a coughing fit as Zeke gasped for air and stumbled backward on his injured foot.

*Cough! Cough!* "You bitch!" He said with a hoarse hiss, before switching his stats to defense mode to repair the minor wounds. This was already off to a less-than-ideal start. She had surprised him, but surprise attacks only work once.

Six eyed the blue light that coated his skin and clothes. Assuming it to be some sort of attack or healing effect, she charged and slammed her fist against his jaw. Only for Zeke to not even move, while her hand throbbed in pain.

Six: "Damn-"

Zeke gave a cold smirk at realizing that she had hurt herself. His ego seemed to be coming back at this point.

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