Chapter 5

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*3rd person POV.*

Mono patrols the city late at night, looking for more crime. Eventually, he stumbles upon a massive gang that just finished an unnervingly stealthy heist on a warehouse. What they stole, he can't quite tell, not that it particularly matters very much.

From what he can see, there are around 20 or so people. To pull off a heist that quietly with that many people likely means that some of the gangsters have access to stealth focused abilities of some kind.

To waste time fighting the entire crowd would be idiotic. It would give them too many chances to slip away.

One of the gang members notices Mono on the roof and quickly yells out to the others.

"Hey! Some freak is spying on us!"

The whole gang quickly snaps to attention and looks up at Mono with angry stares.

Unlucky.........Mono thinks to himself. He was spotted too soon. Planning is out the window, time to improvise.

Mono teleports behind the gang and uses his static to enhance his voice as he shouts.


In a loud distorted voice that sends the gangsters reeling. The ground shakes, and the gangsters stumble back as the sound sends rumbles through their entire skeleton.

The gangsters are startled and stumble back in fear, while a few of them fall to the ground.

"What the hell?!"

"What the actual-"

"Get that freak!"

They try to surround Mono. Hoping to corner him and jump him in traditional UnOrdinary fashion.

Mono builds his static up and unleashes a massive wave of glitching static that crashes into the mob like an avalanche.

All of them are violently hurled along the street as the static rips at their very souls and glitches them all out like a video game on the verge of crashing.

Mono continues to unleash the massive wave of glitchy static onto the gangsters as they try to fight against the force. They are eventually sent flying far away, as if they were hit by trains.

The glitching effect then begins to wear off after Mono stops his attack. He is left with a sight that is both surprising yet satisfying: a bunch of gangsters on the ground, unconscious and barely breathing at all.

"I'm going to need a lot more zipties..."

Mono says to himself. He teleports home and gathers up some extra zipties before returning to the scene and spending the next 10 minutes tying up the gangsters.

Some of them wake up during the process, but Mono puts them back to sleep with a kick to the head.

He then uses one of the gangsters phones and modifies his voice with his static to sound like an adult man while he calls the police to the area. Mono then teleports into hiding while leaving another note that says, "Glitch was here."

The police arrive shortly after to find the gangsters still unconscious.

Officer 1: "Damn, there are a lot of gangsters here."

Officer 2: "Yeah, they must be some big-time drug dealers or mafia members cause they were armed to the teeth with weapons and armor."

Officer 1: "Any idea who could've put them here though?"

Officer 2: "*I don't." Looks like we'll have to run a search for answers."

Officer 1: "Alright then. Let's load 'em into the squad car."

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