Stat Card 1: Featuring Six.

90 2 0

(Hey everyone, author here. I figured I'd give you all a special episode here where I discuss the abilities of important characters, especially the ones that I insert.)

(I figured it would make sense. This is an UnOrdinary fanfic as well as a little Nightmares Fanfic after all.)

(I've also got a special guest to help out with that!)

Six: "Explain to me why the hell I've got to sit through this?"

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Six: "Explain to me why the hell I've got to sit through this?"

(For entertainment. You can get back to being an Emo later).

Six: "Screw you."

(I wish, but I'm probably the least fuckable individual out there. Moving on.)

Six: "Sigh."

(For those who don't know. Ability stats in UnOrdinary are broken up into a handful of categories.)

(Power: The destructive potential of one's ability)

(Defense: Littlerally just how well your ability allows you to block or tank hits.)

(Recovery: How well your ability can help you recover after and during a fight. In this context, it relates to how well you can repair injury, bounce back from a stun, or even shake off fatigue.)

(Speed: How fast your ability let's you move. Real simple.)

(And finally, Trick. Trick is essentially how versatile your ability is. How well you're able to use it to outplay a fool and pull off a dub when you otherwise wouldn't. Think, Nightmare from Doc in Wellston High. He makes people fear him, and it even works on those of higher levels.)

(In Six's case, her powers don't technically count as "abilities." But they can still be summarized with a similar stat spread.)

Six: "I did some practicing for a while after eating the lady. I can do whatever she does and even a bit more with my Shadow's help."

(Power: 10, maximum)

Six: "Mostly because I can littlerally just eat your soul. Instant death, bypasses conventional durability....things like that."

(Speed: 5.7)

Six: "I'm fast because I didn't have an option to be slow. But I can teleport, so this stat is kinda rendered mute."

(Defense: 1)

Six: "Break as easily as any normal human. You just gotta hit me first."

(Recovery: 2)

Six: "My shadow can grant minor healing. Or I can just use the souls I ate, Hellsing Ultimate Alucard style, but I don't have any left at the moment."

(Trick: 10)

Six: "Let's see... Teleporting, soul eating, darkness manipulation, turning people into Gnomes, summoning My Shadow for more beat downs......yeah, I think Trick is pretty high here."

(Let's also not forget that your power still doesn't count as a proper ability. As such, you are immune ability erasing drugs as well as ability enhancement drugs. Your power also can't be copied by things like Aura manipulation or be read by Ability reading.)

Six: "Sweet. Now I just need the nosy fucks to stop asking."

(Probably won't happen any time soon.)

Six: "When is it ever easy?"

(Aside from all of the Lady's powers, Six also developed a few of her own that branch off of what the lady can do. Such as sinking into shadows or teleporting in such a way that she can swap places with Shadow Six.)

Six: "I've also still got my teeth."

(That's true, you do still have your teeth. And those chompers are actual nightmare fuel.)

Six: "Much like how I ate the lady. I can also steal other powers by eating people. I'm not too sure if it works on abilities from UnOrdinary, but that power system is supernatural in nature, and as such, is probably fair game for me to chew on at one point or another."

(Like how the The Janitor had you chew on his d-)

Six: "IM 16 YOU SICK FUCK!!!!"

(ok, I think I lost her.)



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