Chapter 4:

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*3rd Person Pov.*

A teenage boy leaped about on nearby rooftops. Teleporting across gaps that he couldn't jump by himself in a quick glitch of bluish white pixels.

He wore a bag over his head, with 2 eye holes to make it into a makeshift paper mask. He had a musty trench coat with rips and tears along the hem, an indicator of its years of use.

The boy was barefoot, though that didn't bother him much. His feet were far too callused over for the ground or whatever other thing he's stepping on to cause an inconvenience. He had been walking barefoot for as long as he could remember after all.

He was a vigilante, and tonight, he was on patrol, searching the city for crime.

He's not entirely sure why he decided to become a vigilante. Sometimes, he thinks that it's just a hobby to keep himself occupied. Other times, he justifies his work with an "If I don't do it, who will?" Mentality.

In truth....the boy that he once was wasn't completely dead and gone.

He had always believed that the world hated him, so he fought back, and he conquered, yet he wasn't rewarded for his success. The world still hated him, and he was still betrayed.

The boy had always felt that things could never go back to the way things were, but there was a change.....

Someone or something....had stepped in to help him.

He wasn't stuck in that tower anymore. He never had to see that girl again, and he didn't have a reason to be upset anymore.

He was more or less, just glad to be free.

This new place didn't seem to hate him as much, and there weren't any monsters, so that was an easy plus.

The Pale City, his former home, had hated him and wanted him to fail. He was unfairly punished for trying to help, that cursed city, and that cursed tower didn't reward or acknowledge good deeds.

But was different. When he helped someone, he saw their thanks written on their face, before they even said anything.

The thanks he saw on their expression was.....always genuine.

As a result......he was, in a way, able to go back to being the boy who wanted to help. The only difference this time is that helping others is actually appreciated, especially by those who can't help themselves.

This place wasn't perfect, not by far, not from what he's seen, but it was much, much better than the pale city.

The boy, named Mono, felt welcome here....

After a few short minutes of searching, Mono caught sight of a man robbing a store with what looked to be a handgun. He was aiming at the store owner and shouting something about "Emptying the Register."

Mono straightens up his paper bag mask and gets down into a 3-point crouch from his place on the building

A bluish white static builds up around his body. The static seems to glitch and warp the air around him. Mono then uses his static and silently teleports behind the robber in a quick glitching burst of pixels.

He raises his left hand towards the robber and uses his static to warp time and space, yanking the Robbers gun directly from out of his hand.

The robber stumbles back, surprised by the gun being ripped out from his hand. He turns back to Mono, seeing his... rather strange outfit and the whitish blue pixels swirling around him.

"What the hell?" The robber says. The surprise in his voice evident. He likely wasn't expecting to encounter a vigilante tonight. At least, he assumed this was a vigilante.

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