Chpt. 5 Their own language

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Third person

A few months passed and Sanemi didn't think to try again with Giyu despite him suggesting another day. Sanemi felt soft for the boy but couldn't figure out why could it perhaps- be about their first encounter? Or was there something more he didn't realize yet?

Sanemi felt himself thinking more about him than his own duties, he saw him more important but he still couldn't figure out why he soon wanted to find out and finally got the courage to do what he wanted to do months before

Sanemi goes to his balcony and carries his hand out, he felt the claws of Kasugai Sorai on his finger tips as he orders the crow to send a message

Dear Tomioka,

It is my honor to extend an invitation to you, the future water king, meet at the Wood pine hall this evening at the sixth hour. May you please do me the honor of joining me in this occasion?

My deepest respects,

Prince Shinazugawa Sanemi

Kasugai swift off into the sky as he heard the message his wings fly into the clouds and soon arrives at the water kingdom the place was beautiful and full of water he lands on a balcony as he calls for Giyu

Giyu hears the noise and walks up to the balcony to see a familiar looking crow, as Hiyu hears the message he holds the crow gently as if it was his own he gives out a reply

Dear Shinazugawa,

I am elated to hear of your acceptance, and I look forward to our meet with anticipation. I shall meet you at the Wood Pine hall as per your suggestion, and we can discuss the details of our parlay there.

Sincerely, Tomioka Giyu

Sanemi waits patiently in his room for his crow to return and give him his reply as wanders in his room someone enters.

"Your Highness Shinazugawa,
Your father, the king, has sent for your presence with urgency. I strongly advise you to heed the call and make your way to him immediately."

First person

What does this old hag want now? I thought as I followed the old man to my father I bowed down before speaking.

"Father, what is it you need?" I try to put on a 'polite' attitude but I was still annoyed, what does he want so badly?

"You may rise my child, I have brought you here because you now have to decide whom you may marry"

Marriage, what a pathetic rule we have in this world I'd rather cut my throat than marry someone. I urge to spit in his shoes for all I care

"And your wife must know the rules of royalty and it is optional to marry another kingdom and grow larger" I want to get this over with.

"Yes, father" I bow down before walking to my room I didn't even notice that I had forgotten to get his permission to leave

"You do not leave like that, son" I start to grow my anger before turning around

"Do. Not. disappoint me, you may leave" kys

"Yes father"  I immediately went to my room as I mumble to myself before I see Kasugai o0n my balcony I wonder why didn't scream like he usually does if he wants someone's attention.

I approach him with curiosity and it seems he was.. calm? I never seen him so calm before

"What made you so soft?" I mumble out before he finally got me my reply as I hear it carefully there was something about his words that pierced something right through me it all felt confusing but I knew whatever was making me feel this way, was because of..


622 words

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