Chpt. 10 The War

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Third person:

Years have passed and both Sanemi and Giyu grew up together, everything was going amazing until a terrible war had happened

Everyone was screaming, fires were started, there was no shelter and the royals couldn't do anything because it would be risky too lose them and have no ruler

Giyu observed with great distress from his balcony as everything around him was being destroyed. Sanemi astutely perceived Giyu's growing agitation and apprehension, guiding him to seek solace in another room.

As Sanemi takes Giyu to another room to calm him down it was too late. The castle was shaking meaning it was going to be destroyed

Giyu and Sanemi's eyes widen, they try to quickly get to lower ground but it was hopeless, and suddenly it all went dark, the next thing they knew, they were on the ground and in severe pain.

Sanemi wasn't hurt badly and held Giyu tightly in his arms "GIYU!" Sanemi shouts, his grips holds Giyu close to him as blood was dripping down his hands and begins to panic "Fuck! Stay with me, Giyu!"

"Sanemi..?" Giyu says, he slowly turns his head to look at Sanemi in the eyes

"Shhh... Just stay with me" Sanemi whispers, tears begin to stream down his face as he tries to help Giyu the best he can. He looks around, thinking about what to do, but he just sees the world being destroyed around him.

"Hm?" Giyu sees someone behind Sanemi, he couldn't make a reaction and Sanemi immediately got stabbed in the back with a sharp blade.

Sanemi let's Giyu go in the ground as gentle as he could as he collapses next to him as he coughs out blood before looking back at Giyu.

"Sanemi?" Giyu looks at Sanemi with slight of sorrow in his voice, he watched Sanemi worryingly and small tears began to form

"I... I'm fine Giyu" Sanemi pants out the only thing he could do was hold Giyu's hands tightly with a firm grip

"Sanemi.." Giyu mutters, he tries to hold back his tears the best he could "the pain is going away.."

"Me too Giyu.. don't cry" Sanemi holds Giyu's hand tighter not wanting to be separated from him at a time like this

"Sanemi... You were.. you are what saved me.. after my friend died brutally.. you saved what was left behind...and brought me back to life.. I couldn't thank you any more... so dying with you.. would make me smile" Giyu mutters,he turns to Sanemi with a warm smile on his face with tears rolling down his face "so please.. if we are ever reborn.. will you take me as your partner..?"

"I'd choose you in a hundred lifetimes.. in different worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and choose you.."

Sanemi reciprocated the smile, feeling his eyes becoming heavy. The only sight that captured his attention was Giyu's radiant smile, surpassing the brightness of any imaginable sun, accompanied by an indescribable darkness from the vast expanse of space. Gradually, his pain began to dissolve, and as his eyes fluttered open, he found himself standing in utter darkness, devoid of any light, sound, or hope. However, a glimmer of warmth entered his world as he felt Giyu's hands intertwining with his own. With a gentle smile, Giyu glanced both ahead and back at Sanemi, before a sudden light emerged without hesitation. Giyu proceeded to walk towards it, relinquishing his grasp on Sanemi's hand. But before he departed, Sanemi held him tight from behind, realizing that regardless of their destination, he could no longer bear to live another day with an empty void in his heart.

The end?

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