Chpt. 6 Did you find it?

692 12 5

Third person:

Tw: cursing

Sanemi puts Kasugai on his nightstand gently to rest, he looks at his crow curiously and back at his balcony. Sanemi knew his father wouldn't let him do anything or even go anywhere.

Before Sanemi could do anything he goes to an electricity room, Sanemi never'd went in that room but it wasn't difficult to turn off the alarms and quickly went back to his room to avoid the guards in front of his castle

Sanemi puts on something a bit fancy and a hoodie above it so no one could recognize him and goes to his balcony.

Sanemi sees how high his balcony was but out of desperation he then starts to carefully climb down and thankfully, he made it down safely but unexpectedly sees the guards looking tired. Wow what great security Sanemi thought to himself

He then proceeds to carefully climbs over the fence then speed walks to his destination, he knew where the Pinewood Hall would be without his crow.

Meanwhile, Giyu waits patiently for Sanemi on a bench, he admired the nature around him he then hears footsteps coming his way and quickly stands up from the bench.

"Am I late?" Sanemi softly pants out. Giyu sits back on the bench while patting the spot next to him.

As the chilly night air whipped across Sanemi's face, he let out a small sigh and shifted his body closer to Giyu.

Both of them lay side by side on the ground, gazing upward at the shimmering moon, its light casting an ethereal glow across the night sky.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" Giyu's voice softly rose above the gentle rustle of leaves, and Sanemi couldn't help but nod in agreement.

The two of them remained silent, locked in the embrace of each other's presence, the moon and the soothing sound of nature providing an ambience of serenity.

Giyu immediately remembers his gift he gently carries of what looked like a wrapped small food, he extends his hand to Sanemi

"For you"

Sanemi curiously looks at the small gift he carefully takes it in his hands while unwrapping the soft napkin to see his favorite food, ohagi.

"For me?" Sanemi says with a slight hint of curiosity in his voice despite the fact his voice was husky. All Giyu could do was nod and look back at the moon as if he had some connection to it.

Sanemi looks back at the ohagi, he took a bite and the taste was something he never tasted before and he felt something inside him light up. Giyu never knew what the right thing to say but Sanemi never mind it and sat quietly along with Giyu, Sanemi couldn't help but enjoy the silence and maybe even Giyu's presence

Sanemi also wanted to know more about Giyu even if his answers were bland "what do you like to do?"

"I mostly study but I like having my older sister around"


"Yes how many siblings do you have?"

"I.. I have a few younger siblings"

"I see and I'm guessing you were the one chosen to rule the next generation?"

"Yes and I'm guessing you too?"

Giyu nods

They both talk together for a while and soon enough it became really dark "we should get going" Sanemi says before standing up and as well as Giyu

Both Sanemi and Giyu said there goodbyes and quickly went back to their castles. Sanemi safety climbed to his balcony but he meet an unexpected quest in his room

"What the fuck are you doing here!?"

599 words

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