Chapter 1

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The Meeting

"Do we have an update yet? The number of titans in the past Expedition have increasingly become more and more. We need to come up with a better plan. " Erwin stated

"Families of the deceased are mourning for the lost of 15 soldiers in one day, they are demanding for their remains, Erwin we need more manpower." Miche said

I was walking along the hallway when I passed through the room were Erwin and his squad discussed the last Expedition, I was there during the fight with the titans and he is right the number of titans outside the wall is increasing.

I stood near the door frame as they continue to discuss the matters regarding for the next Expedition

"If you would allow me to capture at least one or two, a four or seven meter titans I would've experimenting them right now so we could advance our knowledge about them!" Hange complains

"Killing a titan takes a lot of sacrifice from our team let alone capture one Hange" Erwin said, practically tired of reminding hange why we shouldn't capture a titan

"Then tell Levi to help me capture one! Better yet, let Brea come along too! With those two we can easily capture at least 5 or more!" Hange said excitingly

I laugh with the thought of how Hange-san will be really happy if I ever caught a Titan for her.

Hange-san and I have been friends ever since I joined the Scout Regiment she's two years older than me so it's not that hard to be close to her. Before joining the scouts I also have this urge to know more about what's behind titans and where they came from, this you can say why me and Hange-san became close.

"Brea? How long have you been there?" Erwin's voice caught me off guard

Sh*t I got caught eavesdropping again

"Ohh hey guys! I didn't know you were in this room! I was just passing by and not eavesdropping at all!" I defensively said while laughing awkwardly

"You've been there for about 30 minutes listing to their conversation, stop trying to act so innocent." I groaned when I heard Levi's voice entering the room I looked at him boringly. He's such a straightforward guy! And how the heck does he knows I've been standing outside for about 30 mins?

Ever since Erwin had recruited Levi he would always got the chance to make me got caught doing something, Like the time when I was sneaking inside the kitchen at practically 3:45am! Not being an amateur but I also have this high senses which made me a good fighter in the field but when it comes to him my sense of his presence evaporated like thin air! I don't hate him and I definitely do not like him either it's just that sometimes he annoys me. But in the other hand I also enjoyed annoying him especially during expeditions or special missions that Erwin would put us through.

"Okay fine! Yes I was listening to your conversation. I am as well worried for all the lost we had from the last Expedition" I said while rolling my eyes at Levi. He just looked at me blankly. Damn that handsome short guy!

Erwin looked at the both of us like he is solving a puzzle.

"Levi, Brea" Erwin said in a serious tone, we both looked at him with me a questioning look why he called us

"Accompany Hange and Moblit tomorrow outside the walls to capture a one four Meter and one seven Meter Titan" Erwin said casually

My eyes winded at the mission he casually put us through well I guess it's not that hard? Not long before what Erwin had stated that I heard squealing from Hange-san and her eyes literally sparkled out of excitement.

"This is going to be Exciting!" Hange-san happily said while putting her hand over to both Levi and I's shoulder.

Well I guess we'll capture a Titan tomorrow.

After the meeting, as usual I go to the library to search and read history books about Paradis. I have been reading books and other related topics about Paradis for years now, because something tells me that these walls are not just built to protect us from titans.

I heard the door opened, without raising my head I heard Erwin's voice

"You still stay up all night reading that?" He stated

"Well you can't blame me, I was raised with two people who are so invested in Titans and the thought of life outside the walls" I chuckled remembering the times where we used to read together with Mr. Smith

Erwin sighs and says " I know what you're doing is not just about Titans and the History of Paradis"

I put down the book I was reading and raised my head to face him

"I still couldn't find anything about them, and I've been reading every book around here even informations of the past Families who once lived at wall sina" I said as I let out a sigh

"You'll eventually learn about them, but don't push yourself too much. You've been staying up all night these past few days you should get some sleep, you still have to capture 2 Titans tomorrow for Hange's research" he said

I just nodded my head and Erwin finally left the Library.

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