Chapter 16

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Attack Titan vs Female Titan

We all stayed up all night for we are about to confrot Annie. Armin will be the one asking Annie if she could come with the three, Eren and Mikasa.

After the meeting I went up to my room to rest for awhile, while waiting for the others. I heard a knock on my door and I opened it revealing Levi. I let him come in to my room

"You okay?" He asked

"Yes, there's just a lot going on lately. It's not that I'm not used it, but because I am used to it now." I said

"Don't worry, I'll be here with you." He said

Levi has been more vocal to me, though he is still the same Levi to others. It's just that, he's like this only when it's just the two of us and I'm not complaining. I love the fact that he's only like this to me.

"Where were you earlier anyway?" I asked him

"Eren just ordered something, in case tomorrow's plan don't succeed. Why? You missed me?" He teased

"I do actually" I stared at him with a smirk plastered on my face

Did he really think he can tease me easily? Heck no, I've been liking him ever since, and knowing that I am somewhat important to him gave me a little bit of confidence

He smiled at me and walked towards me

"You're so..."



What!? I looked at him with wide eyes and annoyance written all over my face. As if he himself is not short! Okay when I say he can't easily tease me this is not what I meant! I hit his arms and he act like it hurts

"As if you'll get hurt from my punch" I rolled my eyes at him he smiled and suddenly hugged me

"How I wish we could be this relaxed and not worry about other things" He whispered through my ear

I want that too, with him. We can never relax, we can never have moments like this always, because we always need to be alert, always need to focus on what's more important. We're the Scout Regiment. We dedicate our Hearts

After that Levi went out of my room saying he needs to prepare. I also got ready and checked my equipments just incase we the higher ups need to attack. But as much as possible we will avoid fightings so that no innocent civilians will be involved in this mission.

All of us are set for the mission on confronting Annie. I'm with Hange and the others meanwhile Levi and Erwin are together to not drop suspicions from other Corps.

We are waiting for Eren, Mikasa and Armin to bring Annie to us. While waiting I can't help but think what does Annie wants to achieve from capturing Eren. Does she knows something?

Hange and I are in waiting in case it all didn't go as planned. Erwin made a plan C just in case. Where are they? They're taking so long. Is there a problem?

Suddenly a lighting strikes. Indicating that a human transformed into a Titan. So she didn't go with our plans didn't she?

"Ready the traps!" I said

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