Chapter 25

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I want to scream and rage and break every stupid thing in this office. Instead, my body freezes as tears roll down my cheeks. The commander just stormed out with Hux on his heels.

My heart cleaves in two. But the only thing in my mind is his voice. I want to love you but I don't know how. I can't reconcile the man who wants to love me with the one who just stood in front of me. I could see the conflict in his eyes, but it doesn't stop my stomach threatening to heave my dinner.

I don't get a chance to think about it because Oh-two leans against the wall and lets out a long breath. Her body is still trembling, and her eyes swim with tears. They lock with mine, and I freeze.

"What the fuck," she breathes.

My heart pounds. I reach a trembling hand out toward her own so we can help each other up. "I'm sorry. Please, let me explain."

She recoils and shouts. "What the fuck?!"

I pull my hand back and clutch it with the other in front of my chest. Which reminds me that my uniform jacket is open, showing the hickeys Kylo leaves everywhere. But it's too late to hide now.

I take a step back and she stumbles to her feet, leaning against the wall for support.

"I don't know where to start," I mutter.

Her face contorts and her sweet voice is harsh. "How about you start with why you insist that we're friends, but you've been lying to me for gods know how long!!"

My throat closes and my eyes sting. I'm still reeling from what that jackass just did to me, and it takes me a long moment to order my thoughts.

"I know things have been weird between us..."

She frowns. "Because of you, 8250! You've been acting weird! And now I know why! What are you doing?"

My jaw tightens as I hold back tears. "For the longest time, I thought... I thought we were just people who ate dinner together. It took me messing up to realize how close we are. And I'm still not sure exactly how badly I messed up."

She hisses angrily, "how long have you been fucking the commander?"

I blink back the tears, thinking about that day when I decoded the commander's four-square cipher and rushing to his office to sign a sex contract. "It's complicated."

Oh-two wipes her wet, pink cheeks with a frown. "Fine. Have a nice life, 8250."

She steps toward the blastdoor. "Wait!" My voice cracks but it's loud enough.

She glares at me, her sweet face twisted. "You almost got me killed!! And you can't even tell me why."

Panic surges inside me. "Okay! Please don't go. I'll tell you everything. I just... I don't want to lose you. I like having you as a friend and I've been taking you for granted."

With a huff, she crosses her arms over her chest and waits with a frown.

I swallow. "Do you want to sit?"

Her gaze flicks to the only chair in the room. "No, thank you."

"Alright," I sigh, trying organize my thoughts even though adrenaline is still pumping through my blood and the look of fear and anger on Kylo's face swims before my closed eyes.

"It was about six months ago. The commander came onto the command deck and he caught me staring at him. I was always curious, but nothing more. He asked me my name. Like my real name. And then he asked me to come to his office."

Contract With the Commander: Kylo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now