Too Pooped To Puff

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3rd Person P.O.V

We are brought above the city.

Narrator: "The city of Townsville! Is in need of some-"

We then cut to the city bank being robbed.

Lady: "HELP!"

The camera expands to see two robbers pointing their guns at the woman behind the desk. Suddenly the girls burst through the wall and stand glaring at the two thieves. The girls make short work of the robbers and everyone cheers. However, when the girls brought the crooks outside they see a cop sitting on the hood of his car eating a donut.

Cop: "Hey, uh, Powerpuff Girls thanks for catching those crooks we um{takes bite out of donut} We couldn't have done it without youse{takes another bit} oh yea this is good. Oh, and um, while you're at it would you mind booking'em to?"

The officer continues to munch away at his donut while the girls just glare at him, but before they could say anything there was a fire near them.

Woman: "Powerpuff girls! HELP!!!!"

There was a woman and a bunch of other people trapped inside a burning building. In a flash the girls brought the inhabitants of the building to safety. As the people stood safely on the ground they cheered for the girls. 

Firefighter: "Great job girls."

We then see a firefighter leaning back on top of his truck.

Firefighter: "I didn't have to move a muscle......Oh and while your're at it would you mind walking my dog? He's gotta go."

The girls glared at the firemen before they were once again interrupted by a call for help. At the power plant we hear the sounds of a screwing lightbulb until the room is lit up once again.

Worker: "Phew, thanks girls, it would've taken us minutes to screw in that light bulb. We guys at the power plant just aren't cut out for these kinds of situations."

Pretty soon the calls became more frequent and more frustrating for the girls. they had to fix a kitchen sink, change a tire, clean out a cats litter box, tie a shoe, get a fly out of a soup, etc. It got so bad that one day they had finally had enough. In the home of the PowerPuff girls we see their big brother Y/n shout upstairs to the girls.

Y/n: "Girls!"

Girls: "NO!"

The girls fly down to his eye level


Girls: "We said no! NO! NO! NO!"

Blossom: "We're sick and tired of doing everything around here!"

Y/n: "But-"

Blossom: "It's Powerpuff girls this! Powerpuff girls that! We've had enough!"

Y/n: "But-"

Blossom: "Well that's it! We're not gonna take it anymore! You can just do it all yourself!"

Y/n: "B-But-"

Girls: "BUT WHAT!?"

Before Y/n could utter a word Buttercup interrupted him.

Buttercup: "Cmon, lets get out of here."

Without another word Blossom and Buttercup flew up and crashed through the roof while Bubbles stayed behind worried about her brother.

Y/n: "I-I was just gonna ask if you wanted takeout tonight......"

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