[Kazemaru Ichirouta] 7:Anniversary

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(F/G)= Favourite Gem (S/G/C)= Silver/Gold/Copper

You sprinted to school, careful of the gift bag in your hand. You could barely contain your excitement as today was you and Kazeamru's 1 year anniversary. You had been waiting for this day since you and Kazemaru started dating. You were even more excited to show him the gifts you had for him.

As you reached school, you ran to the soccer field, knowing your boyfriend would be training with his team. You stood with the other girls and waited for Kazemaru to finish. He didn't notice you right away until Endou called a break early. Kazemaru saw you and smiled, running up to you to hug you. Everyone was awed at the scene and teased you two. You were embarrassed and pulled Kazemaru away so you could give him his gifts.

"Here you go Kaze, Happy anniversary!" You said, cheerfully and handed him his gifts. He smiled and took the bag opening it and taking things out one back one. First, he pulled out a book with drawings of him and you that you drew, your signature – and the date of when it was drawn – in the corner of each drawing. Some drawings were just of him during the times he was your model. Kazemaru smiled.

"These are all amazing, (Y/N)." Kazemaru complmented you.

"There's more!" You commented. He went through the bag and pulled out a little plushie holding a heart with his and your initials in the heart.

"How adorable," Kazeamru said and hugged the plushie.

"One more gift!" You added. Kazemaru pulled out the last gift, which was matching necklaces. One for you and one for him. He awed and hugged you.

"Thank you, darling. These gifts are amazing!" You smiled softly and blushed, happy that he loved the gifts you gave him. He pulled away and went in his pocket.

"I got you something too, though it's not as amazing as your gifts." He pulled out a velvet box and opened it as he said that. It was a ring with small (F/G) crystals in resin with (S/G/C) on top and bottom of the gem. You put the ring on your finger and told him.

"Any gift from you is the best. No matter what it is."

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