[Kazemaru Ichirouta] 1:First Meeting

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You sat with your back against a tree, drawing. You did this normally. Drawing people as they pass back. Drawing random objects around you, you get the idea. You were a very introverted person so drawing was your comfort, along with hanging out with animals.

As you were drawing, you heard rapid footsteps approach you. You looked up and saw the Raimon soccer team running. They looked like they were running around the school to warm up. Many had passed you, but one boy caught your eye. A teal-haired boy ran past. His hazel eyes stared into your (E/C) ones. It suddenly felt like time was moving in slow motion. He looked so... handsome. He smiled, mouthing, 'hello'. You blushed. Time seemed to go back to normal as he was running at regular speed.

You watched him run with his team and then looked down at your sketchbook and began to draw the boy. 

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