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Despite her mothers warnings Renesmee didn't care and amidst the golden afternoon sun, Renesmee, Jacaerys, Aemma, and Lucerys gathered in the lush garden, their eyes gleaming with mischief and anticipation. With wooden swords pilfered from the training yard, they transformed the tranquil space into a vibrant battleground.

They divided the area into four distinct spaces, each claiming their imaginary kingdom. Jacaerys boldly declared his domain as Westeros, prompting an immediate objection.

"Why do you get Westeros?!" Renesmee demanded, her fiery spirit evident. "Because I picked it fairly," Jacaerys retorted, standing his ground.

"Fine then, I get Dragonstone," Renesmee declared.

"I call the Stormlands!" Aemma chimed in, claiming her territory before Lucerys had a chance to speak.

"But I wanted the Stormlands!" Lucerys protested, his disappointment clear. Aemma, quick on her feet, offered a compromise. "You can have Driftmark," she suggested, attempting to appease her brother's desire for a desirable kingdom.

Lucerys sighed deeply, reluctantly agreeing to the arrangement.

It wasn't long until the playful banter escalated into a mini-argument, dividing the group into two spirited factions – boys versus girls.

Under the bright sun, Renesmee's determined voice pierced the air, her tiny form standing tall. "We're having a war!" she declared, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Aemma, her curls bouncing as she nodded eagerly, chimed in, "Yeah! Girls against boys!"

Lucerys, his eyes wide with excitement, joined the fray, his wooden sword clenched tightly in his small hand. Jacaerys, the oldest among them at six, grinned confidently, his chest puffed out with pride.

The children's laughter echoed in the garden as they engaged in their playful sword-fighting, blissfully unaware of the impending disturbance. Aegon approached with a sneer, taunting Jacaerys and Lucerys for their imaginative play.

"Well what do we have here? A couple of strong boys pretending to be knights." Aegon jeered, his tone dripping with disdain. Renesmee rolled her eyes and stepped forward, her voice firm, "Leave us alone, Aegon. We're just having fun."

Ignoring her plea, Aegon's aggression escalated. With a forceful shove, Renesmee was sent sprawling to the ground. Jacaerys and Aemma glared at Aegon, their protective instincts kicking in, while Lucerys, ever cautious, watched with wide eyes.

Fuelled by a surge of anger, Renesmee's frustration boiled over. She picked up a small rock, her aim guided by a mixture of defiance and desperation. The rock sailed through the air, striking Aegon square on the chin. The impact was immediate, splitting his skin open and silencing the garden with a sharp cry of pain.


Renesmee winced as the maester carefully threaded the needle through Aegon's skin, sewing up the cut beneath his chin. Alicent's eyes, filled with a mixture of anger and disdain, were fixed on Renesmee like daggers. "You just can't behave, can you?" Alicent's voice was sharp, slicing through the air with frustration. "I've had enough of you and Rhaenyra's children. I won't allow you near them anymore."

Renesmee's eyes welled up with tears, her heart heavy with the weight of her mother's accusations. "But Mother, we were just playing. It was an accident," she pleaded, her voice quivering. "Aegon pushed me first." Renesmee said.

"And you retaliate by throwing a rock at him." Alicent's lips curled into a sneer. "You and Rhaenyra children are nothing but trouble. I won't have my daughter associating with those.. bastards, especially when everyone knows they're really fathered by Ser Harwin Strong."

Bleed for the throne| 𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now