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"Take me with you, please," Aemma pleaded, holding onto Laenor as he practically dragged her along with him. He chuckled, looking down at the determined girl. "I've already told you, you are much too small to go hunting with me."

Aemma tried to pull him back. "Please, I promise I'll be quiet so I don't scare the stags!" she pleaded.

Laenor kneeled to her level, attempting to reassure her. "Next time—"

"You said that last time," she argued, giving him a determined look.

"How come the gods decided for me to have such a witty child?" Laenor said with a smirk, ruffling her brown wavy hair. "When you learn to shoot a bow, I will take you," he promised, aware that her lessons weren't until next year.

Aemma sighed in defeat. "Promise?"

"I promise," he replied. "Now off you go. I'm sure Jace and Luke are waiting to play with you—"

"They decided to be with Aegon today," she cut him off with annoyance in her voice, frustrated that her brothers wanted to hang out with Aegon.

"I'm sure Renesmee—"

"Her mother has forbidden her from leaving her chambers after hearing of our blood bond," Aemma said.

Laenor raised an eyebrow, a mix of surprise and amusement on his face. "Blood bond? What trouble have you gotten into now?"

Aemma quickly explained the ceremony with Renesmee and their self-proclaimed sisterhood. Laenor couldn't help but laugh "Well, you certainly keep life interesting, my little troublemaker."

Aemma grinned, her eyes filled with determination. "Just wait until I can shoot a bow. You won't know what hit you."

Laenor chuckled, giving her a playful nudge. "I look forward to it. Now, off to your Mother. And don't cause too much mischief."

Aemma sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat as she watched Laenor walk away. She kicked a small stone along the path, feeling a bit left out.


Aemma walked down the halls of the castle until she reached Helena's chambers. She knocked on the door, waiting patiently for the girl to answer. Helena opened the door, looking at Aemma with confusion at her unexpected visit.

"Hi," Aemma greeted with a small smile.

Helena looked at her, still puzzled. "Hello," she replied.

"Can I come in?" Aemma asked, looking up at the older girl.

"...Sure," Helena said, opening the door wider for Aemma to enter her room.

Aemma walked in with a small smile on her face. "Why are you here?" Helena asked after closing the door and looking at the younger girl.

Aemma shrugged her shoulders. "I got bored, and nobody wants to play with me, so I came to you." Aemma looked at her with a small, hopeful smile.

Helena observed her with an awkward expression, not used to Aemma visiting her alone, especially without Helena's younger sister, Renesmee.

"So what do you like to do for fun?" Aemma asked, looking at the elder girl with white hair.

Helena didn't respond but instead walked past the girl and went near her window. Aemma watched, confused, with furrowed eyebrows. Helena turned back around with a cricket in her hands. Aemma took a step back as Helena approached her with the insect in her hands.

Helena extended her hand toward Aemma, presenting the cricket. "I catch them and let them go," she explained, her tone lacking enthusiasm.

Aemma looked at the cricket with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. "Why?" she asked.

Bleed for the throne| 𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now