iii. Along the Road

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THE MOMENT HER feet made contact with the solid, familiar Earth, energy thrummed through her veins, filling her with a comforting feeling of safety. "I'm sorry, Emme," Annina dipped her head, looking ashamed, "I was too scared to act again."

Emelyne's face softened as she comforted her, "I was scared as well, Anna. Who wouldn't be, in the face of the Volcra? I am just glad that you are alright." She would never admit it, but she was overwhelmed by the fear she felt when she was searching for Anna, desperate for her to be alive.

"You always know what to do," the younger girl murmured, "I'm always too weak, too slow to do anything. Saints, I should've just stayed in Novokribirsk!"

"No, Anna, I need you here," she stated sternly, "Your ability matters not to me."

After a split second of silence, Emelyne grabbed her by the arm and led them away from the soldiers who were walking down the Sandskiff. She turned tense, and this was not unnoticed by Annina. "Emme? What's wrong?"

She pressed her lips into a firm line, her face not betraying any hint of emotion as she replied, "There is someone I wish to avoid." Emelyne quickly removed the black cloak from her shoulders and draped it over her arm. "Wait here, I'll be back in a moment."

A faint glimmer of recognition glowed in Annina's eyes. "This cloak..." her fingers trailed over the hem as she grabbed her shoulder, "Where did you get this?"

The Nature Grisha froze in her steps, "That's not important, Anna. Just wait–"

"I'm not stupid, Emme. Black is the color of the Shadow Summoner. No ordinary person can get their hands on this," concern flickered on her small petite face, "I saw shadows on the deck when I was in the Sandskiff. Don't tell me—"

Emelyne pressed her finger against her lips, shushing her up, "I have the worst luck, don't I, Anna?" she sighed, an awkward smile lingering on her lips.

"Well technically, crossing the Fold with the General raises the chances of survival so I wouldn't call your luck the 'worst'," Annina's eyes widened in surprise and she winced, "Still, it does put you in a sticky situation, does it not? Especially if he saw you use your power. East Ravka has strict laws regarding their Grisha. I certainly do not want to see my best friend be shipped off to become a soldier."

"Precisely," a thousand thoughts were spinning around in Emelyne's head. If I cannot defeat the general, will he turn me in to the King and Queen? Or Anna and I can just run as far as we can get. I can buy a new identity and maybe we can lay low in–


Oh Saints. I really do have the worst luck. "General," she pressed a forced smile onto her lips as she turned tensely to face the Shadow Summoner, "I thought you left with your men."

Despite just being in battle, he was completely unscathed, looking just as unnaturally perfect as their first encounter at night. There wasn't even a smudge of blood on his sharp jawline and high cheekbones from all the Volra he had so effortlessly decimated. "How can I leave when you have something of mine?" A ghost of a smile danced on his lips as their eyes locked. She had a feeling that he wasn't referring to the cloak in her arms.

Emelyne heard a squeak of surprise from Annina, who was still standing behind her. A shot of anger seeped into her bloodstream as her eyes became cold. "Give me a moment, Anna. I have something to discuss with General Kirigan." In her thoughts of escape, her previous anger had eluded her mind. But now, it was back.

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