iv. Under the Stars

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EMELYNE HAD INSISTED to ride a horse instead of sitting in a cramped carriage, much to Annina's complaints. There was no way she was staying in a dark, confined space after crossing the Fold. She was content near nature, rather than being cut off from the outside world. The wind caressed her hair, breathing life into her soul.

They, consisting of Aleksander and his men, rode for days, non-stop. It was ridiculous that he appeared perfectly fine. On the other hand, the fatigue was starting to get to her... slowly.

"We camp here," the General shouted, getting off his horse on the fourth night. "Continue riding before the sun rises."

Emelyne couldn't help but groan at the mention of tomorrow. As much as she adored her beautiful horse, she was desperately sick of traveling. She threw open the carriage doors and smiled brightly at Annina, "How was your ride, your majesty?"

"Oh shut up," the younger girl groaned, noting her sarcasm. Her face said it all. "I would love nothing more than to be sleeping on an actual bed."

"I know, lovely trip, isn't it?"

Annina glared at her before stepping out of the carriage, stretching her arms over her head, "Aren't you just so excited to continue tomorrow?"

"I was thinking more of food and sleep," Emelyne remarked, tugging the girl along as she proceeded to set up the campsite with the other soldiers.

"Food and sleep it is," her friend grinned.

She laughed softly as they sat near the campfire with the other soldiers, enjoying a brief warm meal. Her smile quickly faded when Aleksander emerged from his tent. There was a string of unspoken words between them– her fate, yet to be discussed. His plans, yet to be revealed. The air felt heavier as he approached... but at the same time, when he ignored her presence, she couldn't help but frown.

"Come on, let's get some sleep," she was only snapped out of her trance when Annina took her by the arm and led her to their tent.


Emelyne awoke in the middle of the night in cold sweat. The air was silent but warm and she could hear the hum of life thumping peacefully in the ground... but something was wrong. Pressing her hands against the Earth, she listened intently before her eyes flew wide open in shock. Moving carefully to not wake her sleeping friend, she exited the tent, shivering at the touch of the cold night air. No– she was sure of it. A couple miles away, a town was being attacked by Fjerdans.


She whirled around in surprise at the sound of her own name only to be met face to face with a sleepy shadow summoner. "Aleksander," Emelyne let out a sigh of relief, "You're up."

"And so are you," he observed quietly, his eyes appearing to be a shade of quartz gray in contrast to the usual darkness when he summoned his shadows. "Why are you up?"

"I... sensed Fjerdans nearby." It felt odd to see him in anything but his usual black kefta. It felt weird to see him in anything that didn't scream power and authority... he looked so... normal. So human. Emelyne shook her head, pressing a small smile onto her face, "A few miles to our north. In town."

"You can... sense people?" Aleksander tilted his head.

"All living beings give off a type of life energy I can sense and sometimes control to summon," she explained carefully before turning away, her eyes resting on the horizon still devoid of the sun, "I have to help them, Aleksander."

He nodded slowly, "Are they after Grisha?"

"I don't sense any."

He took in her words, his jaw subconsciously clenching as he finally replied, "My men will take care of it. Getting you to Os Alta is the priority."

Emelyne, in turn, studied his face, "You're not going to help them, are you?" She sighed at last, tugging on a cloak.

"The border with Fjerda is a few miles to the North, Emelyne. What happens there is not Ravka's business." She didn't even need to look at him to know that he was smiling despite his harsh words.

"Well they won't know it was someone from Ravka," she flipped the hood over her head, "Innocent people are getting hurt, Aleksander. Those Fjerdans hunt until a Grisha is found even if there is no Grisha in that town. No one will save them."

"Emelyne," his voice turned deeper, noting a hint of a warning, "no."

"I can handle myself. I'll be back before anyone notices."

"I already noticed," his hand wrapped around her wrist, making her shiver to his touch. "Fjerdan Druskelle have their ways to oppress Grisha powers, Emelyne. They are dangerous. Many of my best soldiers have been killed by their hands."

"All the more reasons to go," Emelyne tried yanking her arm free to no avail, "Besides," she looked at him defiantly, "I did mention that I refuse to be trapped where I am. I am helping those innocent people, Aleksander, Ravkan or not."

A silent beat passed between them as her heart thumped heavily in her chest, waiting for his response. His eyes stared deep into her own, trapped in their own time before he finally released her arm, "Fine." Before she knew it, he had gone back inside one of the tents, emerging only a second later with a coal-black horse, "But I'm going with you."

"With... me?" she blinked twice to comprehend his words.

"My men will bring your friend to the safety of Os Alta while I will travel with you alone," there was no hint of emotion in his tone as he explained, swiftly saddling the horse before mounting it, "We travel light."

Emelyne was both in disbelief and surprise. On one hand, she was quite prepared to fight him if he tried to take her by force. On the other hand, she was shocked that he would aid her to save the... Fjerdan people from Druskelle. "Aleksander... " she couldn't find the right words to say. What was she even supposed to say? He was not even dressed in his kefta, but in a plain white button-up shirt. What is he planning?

"I'll prove it to you, Emelyne," he murmurs vaguely as he offered her an arm. With one smooth movement, he lifted her off her feet and wrapped his arms around her, tugging her in front of him and against his chest. He spurred the horse into a gallop.

Prove what? She didn't ask as a light pink dusted her cheeks from the close and sudden proximity. "I'll guide us there," she chose to say.

They stayed like that, on the horse and under the bright stars, across the fields of Ravka. Emelyne felt the most warmth she had ever felt– to her surprise. Her jacket did nothing against the cold night wind, but the way his strong arms wrapped around her, his eyes strained on the path ahead made her feel warm. The way his muscular chest pressed against her back didn't make her feel trapped, but rather, protected.

For only a split second, she allowed herself the luxury to close her eyes and lean into his embrace. She heard his breath quicken and his arms tense but he remained silent. She heard the steady, rhythmic thumping of his heart.

Powerful men, Emme. You are so screwed. Emelyne noted to herself in dismay. The lack of words being exchanged between them made it all the worse.

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