Chapter 8 - Haven by the Way

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"There is a time when each of our kind seeks solitude: a contemplative journey when only the skies, the stars, and one's own nature are present. Such self-reflective and brooding absences are carried out among myriad places in this galaxy. This is not one of them. At best, this is merely a launch point for such affairs, yet far more likely this is a semi-remote location where fledglings can come and sulk away petty problems at their leisure, pretending to be adults."

– Kyyteeraah the Elder, clarifying common misconceptions about Dragon Retreat

The present, Terra Para, somewhere in the northern hemisphere

"Why are you fighting the air?" Veralla asked.

Airo already regretted answering the first question. He took a wrong step, and missed the strike, his stance ending up in a completely different position. He sighed in exasperation and lowered his katana.

"I am training," he said patiently.

"Oh!" the dragonet exclaimed. "What is 'training'?"

Airo closed his eyes. His power armor's audioenhancers hissed almost imperceptibly as they scanned the frozen landscape for sounds. He debated for several seconds whether to say anything at all. Then he sighed again.

"It is a complex word," he explained. "In my case it means going over a series of exercises and practice routines to keep one's technique, reflexes, and muscle memory in optimal condition."

"I see," the dragonet said in eager reflection. After a second she perked up. "Can I train with you?" she asked, lashing her tail excitedly.

"No, you may not," Airo said hard, glaring at her.

She shrank immediately. "Okay," she said timidly. "May I at least stay and watch?"

It was the first question, repeated and rephrased. Airo snorted with annoyance.

"You may," he said.

Veralla lifted her head and hrrr-ed happily. Airo shook his head and restarted his routine from the beginning, clearing his focus. He tried to ignore the presence of the dragonet. He made the mistake of opening up a little to her while he was still irrationally glad for the saving of his life, and the little monster had begun to follow him everywhere, taking his taciturn conversation too avidly. He regretted his slip of discipline, for now he had to suffer such interruptions on a constant basis.

Airo exhaled slowly, letting the world fade into the background, and began to practice again. He moved through the familiar motions, working back memories seven centuries old into physical reflexes. The katana slashed the empty space with soft, subliminal thrums. He increased the speed and complexity of his forms. Mind, body, and blade were becoming one with the surrounding coldness of the arctic wasteland and the supple boundaries of his power armor. Nothing interfered. Everything was in complete concert toward a single purpose – the graceful, precise, economical movement which would end another's life.

Ferrtau's life.

His blood boiled at the thought of that name. He struggled to maintain focus, and channeled his rising fury into a reckless series of wide slashes. He was just about to perform a switch-handed flurry when the commlink hissed.

"Dudes, we've got company approaching from the northwest!" Zuckeroff said in an excited voice.

"Don't use the general frequency!" Kiana cut in, her tone oddly strained. "Report in proper manner along the chain of command!"

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