Chapter 18.2 - Questioning the Way

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The funeral was a short, heartbreaking ceremony. It took place at a large square, atop one of the tallest mountain summits on Ilsorin. All of the Radiant Knights present carried a torch, or channeled the Æther into a living flame in their open palms. The dragons who were not yet Awakened had their foreclaws doused in burning substance, and set alight. All the humans were without helmets, despite the bitter cold. Night had fallen, its soft starlight coalescing with the smaller fires carried by the wake watchers.

Veralla stood closely to Airo, her tail wrapped tightly around his leg. His pose was that of a warrior at parade rest. Although she could sense he felt uneasy about the extent of her contact, he did not object, keeping his bearing poised and respectful. She snuggled even tighter, seeking his reassuring presence in the face of what unfolded before her eyes.

There were no bodies. None of the dead had been recovered from the Revenant ambush. Instead, the living chronicle of each lost Knight was projected for everyone to see, displaying the greatest moments of their lives. The nine Radiant Knights smiled, acted, and dared, reliving their past triumphs as silent specters of cyan-purple light beneath the cold, barren sky of Terra Para. Their names were writ upon the air itself with the power of the Æther:

Knight Lisa Seres

Knight Ithel Yamazaki

Knight Ea Gorog

Knight Nassuu Y

Knight Harold Troybaum

Knight Blaise Zeelen

Knight Zoriak 'Zozzy' R'urgal

Knight Mina

Knight Urien Hywel

Lylana stood before the projections, facing the host of living Knights. Her towering form was stoic and her expression solemn. She raised her flame-enveloped fist and spoke, her clarion voice tinged with sorrow.

"Fellow Knights of the Radiant Order! We have gathered here to give a final farewell to our dear sisters and brothers, who have fallen in their line of sacred duty. They have performed the most noble of sacrifices – they have given their lives to protect others. They have upheld their Pure Vow with honor and love.

"And now, their Way has come to an end. Their immortal souls are ready to take the next journey, beyond the transient reality where our current lives reside. Thus, we return our sisters and brothers, gladly and with love, back to the Great Cosmos. We return them, and celebrate the infinite enlightenment and joy they shall receive in the warm, everpresent embrace of the Fire Eternal. We return them, so they may become One again.

"May the stars always shine upon their souls."

Veralla could not hold the tears anymore, and sobbed. Besides her, Airo reached tentatively to pat her wing. She cried and flung herself at him, hugging him fully, praying silently for him to not repulse her. He did not. He stiffened, tense with coldness for several terrible seconds, then... in wonder, she felt him – slowly, warily, hesitantly – felt him returning her hug.

"Now raise your light, fellow Radiant Knights!" Lylana continued. "Raise your light in honor of those who have fallen! Raise your light in honor of those who live! Raise your light in honor of the Great Cosmos and the Fire Eternal! Raise your light in honor of the entire universe!

"Raise your light, fellow Radiants, and renew your Vow!"

"We vow! We vow to be undying champions! We vow to follow the Celestial Way! We vow to be humble and to be hallowed, and to always carry the love of the Fire Eternal! Thus we vow!" the Knights roared, everyone, human and dragon, lifting their lights, their vow resounding with the power of a hundred throats.

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