Chapter 25 - The Way of Love

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"And when they have brought forth and reared this perfect virtue, they shall be called the friends of god, and if ever it is given to their kind to put on immortality, it shall be given to them."

– Plato, "The Symposium"

The Radiant Knights and the rest of the survivors had gathered on Ouroboros' bridge, away from the terrible sights which awaited them on the other decks. The command center was impressive in scale like the rest of the enormous dreadnought, vast enough to house a starship of its own. Despite the bridge's grandeur the atmosphere was bleak and there was little talking.

Airo and Veralla stood by the CIC podium, wrapped in a hug. Kiana and Nightsong were nearby, the Conduit petting her soulkin with a bitter expression. Glawlrhain, Stamat, Lylana, and Zuckeroff were also in the vicinity. Magus Dei wasn't far off either, absorbed and troubled.

"At least that insane bitch is now powerful enough to smack the Lightbringer hard 'nuff to turn him into singularity," Kiana said out loud to everyone's benefit. "I'd bet exactly zero IOUs on it, but she might be even fucking generous enough to close the Reality Vortex."

"Mentoria cannot defeat Ferrtau," Magus said quietly, his tone one of absolute certainty. "He will subjugate her, and use her to bring down the Shield."

"Excuse me, but how the fuck?" Kiana objected. "We're talking about an aethereal who's had who-knows-how-many centuries of experience transformed into a fucking dragon who can alter fucking reality! If Veralla here can snap her talons and bring people back to life within an instant, think of what that bitch can do! No fucking way even the Lightbringer can compete with her, planet-busting powers or not!"

"Hey... if you can bring people back to life, can't you... make these here alive too?" Nightsong asked Veralla tentatively.

"I tried," she hrrr–ed miserably. "I cannot... I do not know even how I brought Airo back," she said, and sobbed. Airo stroked her twin crests soothingly, and she buried her snout in his shoulder.

"Ferrtau needs not to face Mentoria in terms of force," Magus said, lowering his head. "He has an ability like no other; he can fully and without resistance take away the will of any true dragon. Since Mentoria became one, Ferrtau now can exert complete dominion over her."

All Radiant Knights around the bridge perked up at the words of their former grandmaster. Glawlrhain shot Magus a look.

"We were never told Ferrtau could hold such a sway over my kind," the training master said, his amber eyes full of unspoken accusation.

"It happened during the Starblaze," the old Knight sighed. "All then was hanging in the balance, as it is now. Drastic measures were taken and carried out by Ferrtau and Kalessia. In the end, our Order, united with the rest of the galaxy, defeated all threats... yet the two of them were changed because of what had to be done.

"You have noticed it too, how Kalessia and Ferrtau became different... I believe he never tried to suppress his change. This is what has given him the ability to raise the Revenant and it is... what enabled him to overpower the Order in the first place."

"You're saying the dragon Knights were overtaken when Ferrtau assaulted the Shard, sir?" Lylana interjected. Her expression became shocked as she worked out something in her mind. "That explains it... why so many... so utterly..."

"And now the same fate awaits Mentoria," Magus concluded.

"Wait... does this mean the Lightbringer will succeed to destroy reality after all?!" one of the Radiant Knights exclaimed.

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