Chapter 12.3 - Exploring Ways

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Veralla explored Kryoon City through the technological marvel known as the Viirt. The AR channel Kiana had provided gave full access to the network, and Veralla experienced for the first time what it was to be swimming in the vast information ocean of the datasphere. True, she had been prepared for this moment during the time she had spent in Dragon Retreat's mesh, yet the shrine-town's virtual mindscape was merely a glorified chat-simulspace compared to the monumental alternate reality of Kryoon City.

At first, she was overwhelmed by all the available data. Vidstreams, AR filters and environmental enhancers, AI node guides, VR realms, simulspace businesses and homes, even advertising – the Viirt itself was enough to hold her curiosity for days, maybe even months. Yet Veralla wanted to focus on the people and the world they really lived in. So she cut all network traffic to the absolute minimum, and kept only the sensor feeds from the surveillance spimes.

She watched the city square Kiana had shown her with rapt attention, taking in all the humans going to and fro, commuting, relaxing, talking, working, living. Time passed like a breeze. Veralla reluctantly changed the view; Vorzii would not be staying here for long, and there was still so much of the city she wanted to see and experience.

She toured huge highways and small streets, examined the insides of arcologies and public facilities, peered into subterranean levels and maintenance sections. But, just like in Dragon Retreat, she could not find dragons anywhere. There were many colorful humans, some of them even more exotic than the ones she had encountered previously, yet none of her own kin, which dampened her spirits somewhat.

As Veralla explored Kryoon City through its ubiquitous sensor network, she paid close attention to the people who lived there and the things they were doing. She tried to sense their mood as she usually did, yet she could not feel anything – because she was not truly there. The realization surprised her, and she had an odd feeling of separation. The feeling condensed into a longing for Airo. She searched for him through the city's sensors, but the system couldn't find him. Veralla hrrr-ed unhappily and closed her eyes, picturing Airo in her mind.

For a fleeting instant, she sensed his presence.

Veralla startled, and the moment passed. Encouraged, she tried repeatedly to do the same thing, to no avail. Yet she was sure she had connected with Airo in some way, however briefly, and it gave her comfort. Relaxed, Veralla continued her disembodied tour of Kryoon City.

Then she happened upon the scene.

Two humans stood in a small, alcove-like alleyway. They were wearing military uniforms, their faces hidden behind opaque visors. A third person was lying on the ground. They were not human, but an uplimal; Veralla had learned about them recently, as she talked with Zozzy and the other Knights during the trip. The uplimal had a broad, elongated muzzle with large nostrils, and her thick, muscular limbs were covered in short hair.

"Please... I haven't done anything..." the uplimal sobbed, her clothing disheveled. She was clearly distressed.

"You're in violation of Code 14," said one of the soldiers. He gripped his assault rifle, and thrust the stock down hard. The uplimal cried in pain.

"Shut up, you piece of outworld genetrash!" the other soldier snapped.

"Please... please..." the uplimal begged in a broken voice, and tried to shield her body as the soldiers began to kick her.

Veralla rawr-ed in terror and backed away from the AR screen.

"What's wrong?" Zozzy asked from his place at Vorzii's helm. He took a look at the AR screen, and his expression instantly darkened. "Voidcursed spawn failures," he growled. "Stamat, come here!"

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