18 ; Actor

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It was finally the friday that I had been so excited to come. The day where I had all night to see Chan, and take him on this date that I had spent every waking morning thinking about, and spending every second trying to plan the perfect night for him. I had it all planned out, all I needed to do was finish my work on set today, and pick him up.

On set, I spent the day with Ji-won, and we had our first kiss on set today. It was meant to be a nervous kiss from a student who just graduated, and she was to push me away and run away. We had been so into that scene together that it only took one take, and the director was super pleased with us. She patted my head after we finished it and high fived me, treating me truly as a kid. 

Not that I really minded, the head pats were nice. As long as she wasn't pitying me for anything, or actually thinking that I needed to be treated like a kid then it was all good. I didn't mind as much either because we weren't ever going to be close enough to call each other good friends. She was a lead actress my mother's age, and way more famous than me. She hardly had time with the rest of the cast because she was so sought after.

I didn't see So-Joon all day, I wasn't even sure if he was on set today. I guess it wasn't the end of the world, but when I finished on set. I kind of missed him a little. I didn't have much time to think about him, because Chan completely occupied my mind. It was 6pm, and already dark just liked Chan liked. I had texted my manager this morning, claiming I didn't need him to come and collect me because I had driven myself this morning instead of getting a lift from my company. 

I climbed into my car quickly, and pulled out my phone before driving off. I messaged Chan, and smiled. The last time I had seen him was at the beginning of the week when we had a bit of a sleepover. We had woken up when my alarm went off, and we got changed and ready together. He drove to the JYPE building while I waited for my manager. 

Channie: Have you finished yet? I'm bored.

Ko-rain: I'm on my way hyung! 

I didnt wait for a reply. I started my car, and finally started making my way to Chan's dorms. He had previously given me the address, and I was excited to see his dorms if he let me. I was just driving, down roads, down back lanes, through town, whilst their recent album was playing through my radio. I was stopped at red lights, and I drummed my fingers excitedly against the wheel and took a look around.

I started watching an ajumma arranging flowers and bringing flowers inside a small flower shop. I smiled, a perfect little gift for Chan's dorms. Or was it a bit too much? A bit to obvious that I wanted to be more than friends? I don't know whether Chan has told the other members anything...it might be strange that Chan is receiving flowers from someone.

It doesnt matter, I thought. I'm meant to be making the best impression I can, and convincing Chan that regardless of all the worries, we could work something out. If trying to convince the other members of my feelings would help, then I would do it. Anything, if it would appease Chan. I couldn't imagine them being angry about it or not being supportive. However, if it was like that, I would step back. 

Once the light turned green, I turned the corner and pulled into a small parking lot behind the high-street where the flower shop stood. I jogged around the corner, and into the shop. 

"Oh we're bound to close soon!" The ajumma said from behind the counter, I could see she was tidying up to close very soon.

I bowed my head, "My apologises, can I get some flowers really quick?"

I think she saw my desperation, and she smiled and nodded. I bowed and thanked her again. A side door opened and a younger woman walked out, I walked past her and looked at some red roses with some lavender in between. I smiled and picked it out quickly, not wanting to keep the older woman here for much longer than she needs to be. I placed them down on the counter.

"Is that all?" She smiled kindly, her sweet features wrinkled.

"Yes ajumma." I smiled, and she smiled too. She rang up the flowers for me, and even let me write on the note bit. I picked up the pen and started writing.

"Oh my god! You're Ko-rain oppa!" I looked up quickly, the younger woman I walked past before was pointing at me kindly with wide eyes and a smile.

I finished writing and stood up quickly with the flowers in hand. I smiled at her and nodded. 

"Can I get a photo?" She asked as she came out from behind the till, and had her phone in hand. I sighed inwardly, but smiled and posed for the photo, hoping that the flowers weren't in the photo. If she posted it online, which she would, I didn't want people assuming anything with the flowers.

"Have a good day guys." I bowed at them and left the shop quickly, I didn't wait for the younger woman to ask any more questions. I'm too polite to lie to fans, so I would of accidently said some stupid shit about a date. 

I got back into my car, and continued to Chan's dorms. It was just 5 minutes away now. I could smell the aroma of the roses and lavender in my passenger seat. Following the GPS, I pulled into a street where there was a few other cars parked. I texted Chan that I was here, and I waited in my car to see if I was in the right place.

Eventually someone pulled the door open to the front of the building. I looked and smiled immediately, Chan was there looking around for me. I grabbed the flowers and got out of my car quickly. I walked up to him, and when he spotted me, he smiled big. I could see the shine on his teeth from a few metres away.

"Rain-ah!" He waved and waited till I got right in front of him.

"Hello hyung." I smiled, and I showed him the flowers, "I got you these."

He took them from my hands and smiled. He stuck his nose gently into them and smelled them, which caused me to chuckle. He looked up at me, and despite his hat being in the way, he titled his head and kissed my cheek.

"Come up. I'll put these in a vase and then we can leave." Chan said and he pulled open the door and we walked into their building. 

As I walked behind him, I noticed just how good he looked. He was dressed casually, but despite that, he had clearly put in thought and effort into how he looked and his style was my style. I liked the way he was dressed, and it almost made me blush due to the thoughts running through my mind. I wanted to tell him how amazing he looked but I held my mouth as we stood in an elevator.

"Are the rest of the members home?" I asked, kind of nervous as if I was meeting his family.

"No, just me right now. They're staying at the dance studio till 10." Chan told me as we finally got to their dorms.

I nodded, and as soon as I walked into the main area of Chan's dorm, I noticed the black flowers I had got him a few weeks ago for his birthday. Some were dying, but most were alive still. 

I smiled big.

Actor, 𝕭𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓Where stories live. Discover now