41 ; Actor

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I had woke up before Chan this time. I had no idea if he needed to be anywhere, if he needed to go to work but I decided to let him sleep a little longer, and get some rest. I had already planned to make him some breakfast since I didn't get to last time he had stayed over. We were lying in my bed, the morning sun pouring into the room, it was what woke me up. I looked over at Chan, fast asleep, and little snores leaving his open mouth.

He looked peaceful, and like he needed this rest a lot. I had properly stressed him out the last couple of days, but I was sure we would talk it over after I make him breakfast. I slowly moved at a snails pace in order to not wake him up, and to also keep my ankle at an angle that wont hurt. My ankle hadn't caused an issues last night, even when Chan was moving my legs in the air...yet this morning, there was a dull ache there.

I grabbed some shorts, and slipped them on, and then I sighed as I remembered Chan had put my crutch down in the passageway by the door. I lightly shuffled my way onto the floor, and shuffled on my butt all the way out of the room, quietly closing the door behind me. I shuffled to my crutch and used the wall to stand up. What a nuisance...

I limped to my kitchen, and decided I would make a fruit salad. It was easy to make and I wouldn't be on my feet for a long time...All I needed was the fruit from my fridge and fruit bowl, a cutting board and a knife. I had bananas, and apples in my fruit bowl. I grabbed strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and some melon cubes from my fridge. I cut most of the fruit and put them into one of my fancy bowls for fruit. It was hand-made from one of my mum's friends.

"What's this?" I heard a deep voice from the bedroom door, and I took a peak at shirtless Chan rubbing his eyes.

"Morning hyung." I said, and I placed our bowls on the kitchen island. I tried not to think of the flowers...but it was harder than I thought.

Chan walked over to me, his bare feet padding across the cold kitchen floor. He stood behind me, and slid his arm around my bare waist. He looked over my shoulder at the fruit salads I had made, and arranged nicely in the bowls. He smiled and kissed my shoulder lightly, my skin tingling from the unexpected touch.

"Morning my lovely." He said in english, a teasing smile on his face. 

I smiled, a blush on my cheeks. I let him sit down and I followed. We sat at the island of my kitchen, and we snacked on the fruit, occasionally looking at each other, waiting for the other to speak up first. Eventually, I gave up and pushed my bowl aside so I could lean on the island a little bit better, and use my elbow to prop up my head.

"So...hyung." I started, hoping to test the waters and see how much I should say first.


The simple word he muttered after biting through a strawberry, stopped my heart and then kick-started it all at once. He had called me 'Jagiya' a term of endearment for married couples. I was shocked, but the warmth that spread through me was coming in boat loads, and I was ecstatic. Everything that I expected to happen was happening in the opposite direction. While I had prepared to potentially lose Chan for a little bit of time, I was actually seeing more and more of him in a very romantic light.


"Mhhh." He nodded and continued eating, not letting me question where his head was at.

"Okay..." I smiled, "Jagi, I wanted to apologise before anything."

Chan finally finished the last bit of melon he had in his bowl, and he wiped his mouth and fingers down before turning to me and providing me with his full attention. I was more nervous now that we were making eye contact, and Chan would pick up my every word. This is essentially where things could go wrong and we could disagree and hate each other, and I was sure I would be okay with losing Chan after last night.

Actor, 𝕭𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓Where stories live. Discover now