36 ; Actor

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The company meeting lasted 2 hours, the longest meeting I had attended for a long time which consisted of my company's CEO. I had talked a lot and my manager did too. At one point we had the same police officers come in, and let us know what they had been able to do over night. I was surprised to find that the stalker had left in his car, and stupidly forgot about the cameras.

The policewomen had stated that they went to get information as soon as possible as Stalker investigations are a top priority usually. They checked the cameras over night, and managed to see the stalker run out of the stairs with his hat back on, an get into a red car. They followed the number plate to get his name and his address.

The man was actually Japanese, and had been living in Korea for the past 7 years. I was weirded out, goose bumps going through my whole body. 7 years ago, I was still in school...It was seriously strange to me how much older get could be. 

"He goes by his Korean name here, Jong Insuk." I remember what she said, "And he currently resides just outside of Seoul."

"Why havent you retained him yet? My actor here is severely hurt." The CEO said to the policewomen.

"We went to his home this morning, hoping to catch him off guard." He said, "He wasn't home. It's safe to say he knew we were coming..."

I looked at the CEO and he was rubbing his forehead, "Look, we're very thankful that your doing all you can, but at this rate..."

"We understand your dilemma sir, we can only promise we're working on finding out where he might've gone to..." She explained, "Until then, we encourage you to go through a legal process to get a restraining order to protect your actor in court."


"When we apprehend Mr.Insuk, he will be taking to court if you wish to get a restraining order for your actors protection, if not, he will be convicted with the evidence we have and the judge will give him a trial." The policewoman explained to us.

"If we take him to court, is there a chance he'll get longer in jail?"

"There is a chance, but only if Korain-ssi wishes to speak up on his own behalf. That would mean a proper court trial, however I'm not a lawyer so I cannot tell you with accuracy what will happen."

The meeting with the policewomen had ended soon after that conversation, and the group of workers and the CEO began talking to me about how to announce to the director and the fellow actors about what happened.

"Sahjang-nim, I don't really know how to announce it because I don't want to disappoint them..." I told him quietly and he nodded sadly.

"I'm sad that this has happened again in such a short amount of time after your first hiatus Korain-ah. As the CEO, I should have paid more attention as your under my care..." He said melancholy, "I will talk to the director on your behalf..."

I looked up at my CEO, and smiled kindly at him. I was lucky to have such a hardworking and compassionate CEO. I know a lot of young artists won't and don't get the same kind of treatment. 

"I will take care of it later this day. They will probably ring your manager and ask you to come to set, please do."

I nodded in reply. Then silence drained on for a few seconds, before the Chairwomen of our company broke the silence with a cough and then our final thing to talk through.

"And how do we announce it to the fans?"

"A letter on Korain's instagram...like last time. We give a brief explanation, but don't say much just yet." The CEO said and then he turned to me, "Actually, I was hoping Korain could write it this time...you can say what you wish to Korain. They're your fans after all."

"Sahjang. Can I have the permission to write the brief one first. Korain can have control over the final one if he wishes to reveal the true of what has been happening." The chairwomen said and I nodded in approval. I didn't feel to comfortable yet knowing I didn't know what I could say till after the legal process.

He still hadn't been found yet, and I wouldn't go out till he was away from me. I couldn't, just thinking about him being out on the streets with the potential chance that he's looking at me, made my skin crawl and my body tense up. We finally had all come to an agreement, my CEO was emailing my director as we were leaving, and my manager was going to drive me to set.

I was meant to be on set today, but my manager had to ring in sick. The director had decided to film some b-role with So-Joon and other back actors which I didnt have much scenes with. I was sad not being able to act again. 

On the drive to set, I had suddenly started crying. Just thinking about everything this past year has really wore me down today. To think I would end up in this state for a second time because of someone's yandere love for me. To think they loved my 'acting' yet would do this and stop me from being able to act.

My manager didn't try to comfort me, I think he knew that I need to cry it out. We got to the set, and I looked at the busy set. From the outside, it looked like a grand movie was being filmed, but when I was the one acting, it felt more real. I would miss it, again. We walked in slowly, my crutch hitting off the floor.

"Ah, Korain-ah!" I looked up as the director called me, once he walked up to me, he stopped suddenly, "I just got the email from your CEO, but I didn't think it was this bad."

"Yeah, you know, Director-nim...I'm sorry." I said awkwardly...

"He said you wouldn't be able to continue filming...but he said 'injured' not...not beat up and broken..." He muttered to himself as he looked over me once. I nodded awkwardly.

He turned around and walked back to where the cameras were, they were about to film something so I followed behind him carefully. I watched as the actors on set had been conversing, ready for the scene. So-Joon was there, it was his scene. I watched from behind the cameras as he worked and got his scene almost perfect the first time.

He came off set for a break for 5 minutes, after his scene, and I walked over to him. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to me.

"Can I help you?" He asked politely and I snorted. I must look really bad if he can't recognise me straight away.

"It's me hyung." I chuckled although it kind of hurt to do so, "I'm here to announce the show will probably be put on hold for a few months..."

"Holy shit, what the fuck happened to you Korain-ah?" He panicked as he gently led me to his chair and sat me down.

"A stalker found me. Beat me up in my apartment stairs..."I said to him, and he paused and looked at me in shock. 

To my surprise, he actually pulled me into a soft hug. It was nice, the first proper hug I had since coming out of the hospital. I totally forgot my parents didn't know and it was technically up to me to tell them, but I didn't fancy it all that much. They would just worry and come over to the apartment that I'm not living in anymore...I'll tell them later and enjoy this hug happening right now.

"What happens now?" So-Joon asked as he pulled away from the hug.

I shrugged, "A lot of things. It's all a bit of a mess."

Actor, 𝕭𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓Where stories live. Discover now