Burning now..,

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HI guys, it's a short update, I'm busy with exams now, actually tomorrow I have one but I felt like writing so here it is. Hope you will enjoy it.

Listen to "Crawling back to you" by Daughtry

When a man truly loves a woman, she became his weakness. When a woman truly loves a man, he becomes her strength. This is called, EXCHANGE of POWERS.

" Who are you???"

It was the first three words came to my mind, I looked at this man who stood in front of me with tears in his eyes, I didn't understand why he was here, and better why I was here. I looked around and I knew that I was in the hospital, but why???

Again I looked at the man standing stunned in front of me "Uh- sir who are you and why are you in my room??" A look of hurt flashed in his eyes but he covered it "You don't remember who am I? Rosie it's me Daniel, please don't do this" and he fells to his knees taking my hand in his, tears rolling down his face, a look of lost and emptiness in his eyes.

I felt sorry for him, he looked so vulnerable so lost, a distant voice in my head screamed to comfort him but he was a stranger, but how he knew my name? "Uh sir why do you know me? and who are you?"

He looked deep in my eyes something flashed in them but I couldn't point it " Rosie I'm your husband"

Well it was me stunned now, I looked in his eyes with disbelieve in mine "It can't be, if I was married I would know, sir I think you mistook me with someone else, can you uh leave? I need to call someone"

" No Rosie I won't mistake you with someone else, not in a million year, who do you want to call, Kate?"

"How do you know her? yes Kate I need to know where's my son, wait why I even tell you this please leave"

"Wait you remember that you have a son??"

" Of course I remember my son, sir please leave"

~~~Daniel's POV~~~

"Of course I remember my son, sir please leave"

An alarm rang in my head, I don't understand how can she remember Kate, Brayden but not me. I stormed out the room searching for the doctor. When I finally found him I took him by his collarbone "Why doesn't she remember me? Doctor she forgot me?"

"Wait who forgot? what are you talking about??"

"Rosie she forgot me."

"It can't be." He freed himself and went to her room, I followed him. He entered her room, she was on the phone, she ended the call and looked at us. "Doctor I need to go home please"

"Rose it's night outside, and we need to run some tests Ok? So please go back to bed, and we will see tomorrow if you can go home."

"But doctor can't I came back tomorrow?"

"Rosie no, but I need to check on something". After an hour and some tests made, doctor convinced her to stay the night, I on the other hand was all nerves. I wanted to know what's happening, why she forgot me.

When we finally went to his office, he slammed on his chair, and took off his glasses, I couldn't speak, I was afraid of what he will say." Well she is fine physically and mentally, every tests shows that everything's fine but, how can I say it. She suffered an emotional damage, it means that her brain blocks the hurtful memory deep in her subconscious, it's a defense mechanism, it's not that she forgot, it's her brain who restrict her remembering you."

I was speechless, a defense mechanism? her brain shut me out because I hurt her? How the hell can I make her remember me, if even her brain wants to forget me? Maybe I should just take advantage of the situation?

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