And everything begin....

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Surprise!!! yes an update. So enjoy

The kid on the photo earlier is Brayden

***Flash back a month ago***

"mom, where's my dad? today kids at school came with their fathers, and did a lot of funny things and I sat watching them, then my friend Mark asked me to help him and his dad in building a boat, mom I envy him, why don't I have a dad?"

I sat frozen in my sit, what can I say to him, how can I explain "sorry son your father kicked me out of his life, regret that he met me, that he hates me and didn't gave me the chance to ask why? how could I say to him that he will be a father? he will throw you out of his life as he did with me", I couldn't be so cruel to my son it will break his hopes, he will feel unwanted as me, and I think one of us is enough.

"chocolate cake, it's complicated, when you grow up I will explain everything to you OK? now eat your pasta" and I whipped away a small tear rolling on my cheek.

"that's why you cry every night? mom I hear you at night sobbing, I'm old enough to understand after all I'm smarter than my age". He smiled at me encouraged to speak.

I sighed and took a deep breath in defeat "OK big boy,I want you to know that I love you no matter what OK, we broke up with your father before I had the chance to tell him that I'm expecting you. We had a big fight and thought that I didn't love him so he left me." And my eyes once again were filled with tears. Brayden came closer to me and whipped my tears away. With his small arms he hugged me and whispered in my ear "Mom I will never leave you OK?". I smiled sadly and nodded.

***End ofhe flashback***

Daniel looked at me with wide eyes, his face was emotionless, I saw in his eyes the confusion, he repeated calmly " Who's'' and pointed at Brayden. I bit my lips nervously, I really didn't expect this. What I suppose to do now??, I thought; " Is he mine, Rosie tell me is he mine?" he yelled the mine part. I walked towards my son and whispered in his ear to go to bed and that mommy will come soon, He nodded but before he walked away, Brayden looked up at Daniel and said " Don't make my mom cry again she cried enough".

We stood in the entrance the atmosphere was so thick that you can cut it with knife, neither of us could say a word I looked into Daniel faces and saw that he was trying to analyze what happened just now. I walked to the kitchen not bothered to ask him to enter, I need some space now, to understand what to do. As I was putting the cup of tea on the table he walked after me and sat on the chair still stunned with what happened seconds ago. Finally he broke the silence "how old is he?" I gave him his cup and sat across the table.

"five". I whispered and sipped my tea, I was still thinking what I will say to him when he will re-ask the big question. We sat for a while in silence just looking in each others eyes. Reading the words that we will never spoke to one another. "What's his name?"

"Brayden". I then took a deep breath and looked straight in his dark eyes, I almost lost myself in them, but I remembered that we are over and he can't be in my life neither in Brayden's, if his mom find out about me and Brayden she will hurt us and I can't let my son experience the same pain as me.

"You should go, it's late" I said as confident as I could.

"Is he mine, please just tell me, is he?" in his eyes sparked a tinny light of hope, is he hopping that Brayden is his son?. I looked confused. He walked towards me and put his hands on both side of mine and shacked me lightly, I pushed him away and said; Yes; "NO, he isn't, now go" ; sorry I have to protect my son; I thought and walked out the kitchen. I opened the door and gestured him to go.

He stormed out my house without dropping another word, I know he's furious, but I have to do what I have to do and save my boy, that's what matters to me. I closed the door and slidded  across it until I sat on the floor and wrapped my arms around my legs, rested my head on the cold door. I heard footsteps come my way but I didn't move, Brayden sat next to me and rested his head on my legs. "It's him right? my father". I just nodded not trusting my voice. "Why you didn't tell him, mom?" he asked softly

"He will hurt us, and take you away" I wrapped my hands around his small body, hide my face in his neck and set free my tears.

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