Not so fast...

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" yes you are right, I have to move on, I have to move on."

"You know, today I have a home coming party, you should come, don't say anything now ok, please come I will wait you ok, you can bring a friend with you, and you should wear a mask, I know it's stupid but I love suspense, and if I find you first you will owe me a kiss ok"


"give me your phone". I handed him my phone he typed something then left, but before he winked at me. Really what just happened?? I asked myself, I looked at my phone and saw that he typed his number, few seconds and I got a msg from Nick telling me the address and the time of the party.

When I came back to my work it was very crowded, so I immediately started to take orders. The manager asked me to came to his office, so I went after I finished the service of my table. when I entered his office I couldn't spot him "hello, manager Kim?" I heard as the door closed and two hands wrapped me from behind and I was pushed to a body. "you can't believe how much I want you, I want you now" and he tried to unbutton my shirt, I managed to turn and hit him in his sensitive place and run out the office, and out the restaurant.

It's enough, I had enough.

So I walked home to refresh myself.

"Mommy, you are home please can I sleep over at Mark's place pleaaase. I eat my dinner and did everything pleeaaasee you can ask granny I was a god boy. "

"Oh my, calm down champion let your mom have a breath." I smiled at his cute puppy face, immediately forgetting all my problems, how can I say no, specially tomorrow is Saturday so I think it's fine to let him go to his friend, and I will figure out what to do with my work. "ok I will phone Mark's mom, thank you miss Granger for looking for my son."

"Youppyyyy" and he started running in the house from joy. Two hours later I dropped Brayden at his friends place, and I was sitting in my car don't know where to go and what to do, so I drove to Kate's place.
 I rang the bell and waited for her to open, when she opened "you have 10 minutes to get ready we have a party to attend."

"Ah- what's wrong???" I know, I was also surprised by my actions but I think that if I don't do anything I will explode I need to do something." Nick invited me to his party, so I decided to go and of course you too, Oh it's a party with masks".

Two hours of preparation and now we are at the door of Nick's apartment. Some guy opened the door and the loud music enveloped us.

I went to the bar, I needed a drink to relax and forget. Kate dissolved in the crowd, even there wasn't to much people but the dime light and the loud music did the trick. After a few shots I was relaxed and Kate came from nowhere and pulled me to the dance floor.

I danced with the beat, swayed my body with each note, every cell in me vibrated with the music. I knew I have some moves, and I was aware that all the male part in the room has their eyes on me so I swayed harder. From the corner of my eyes I spotted Kate, she has her fingers crossed and encouraged me to keep going. SO what the hell!! I thought, I'm a single mom, maybe without a job, and with a broken heart; but now I'm a mystery, I'm a girl with a mask.

I felt two hand traveled  my body, and pressed me to a hard chest. So I let him lead me, as we swayed to the beat. He was a great dancer, our bodies fit each other perfectly, as it did once I danced with Daniel. I turned and looked in his eyes, they were dark, like night, inviting to an unknown, I felt as the time stopped and that we were the only two in this room, it was hard to breath and move, as the realization hits me it was HIM.

But I was rescued by Nick "Rosie, finally I found you!! I guess my friend found you first, so I lost my kiss" I felt Daniel tensed, but I think because he realized it was just me the thing that he's disgusted by. "we play I dare you, do you want to join?" I nodded without thinking, every where is better then near him. And we disappeared in a room.

I found Kate and told her everything, I was shaking, I was afraid, so being Kate she gave me another shot and another till I felt a little tipsy.

We played, and I relaxed a little, but still felt his eyes on me shouting daggers as we played, and knowing my luck I knew  something is coming. And as I predicted some guy asked me " if you had the chance to say something you hadn't the courage to say what it would be? sing it" I don't know from where I took the courage but I stood and sang:

 Raindrops, fall from, everywhere
I reach out, for you, but you're not there
So I stood, waiting, in the dark
With your picture, in my hands
Story of a broken heart

Stay With me
Don't let me go
Cause I can't be without you
Just stay with me
And hold me close
Because I've built my world around you
And I don't wanna know what it's like without you
So stay with me
Just stay With me

I've searched my heart over
So many many times
No you and I
Is like no stars to light the sky at night
Our picture hangs up to remind me of the days
You promised me we'd always be
And never go away
 that's why I need you to stay.

I couldn't take my eyes of him and he looked at me, there where no one, but us. As I sang I felt that my heart froze, slowly and painfully, I told him the unspoken, after five years, now I feel empty, my heart is empty and there's a huge wall around it . Finally I'M LETTING GO.

SURPRISE I updated I did it extra long hope u enjoyed. I cried when she sang for him.

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