1. The New Student

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1. The New Student

It was over a month into term and the morning lecture had already started when a strange young man sauntered into the hall, taking a seat among you as naturally as if he owned the place. You were a big class and you would probably not have paid attention to him if not for how out of place he looked, wearing a black suit with a striped tie in green and silver, and with his blond hair combed backwards like a rich Stureplan brat from Stockholm.

Was he an economics student who lost his way? But even they didn't look that snobby in this city. Gothenburg was for average people.

The teacher only gave him a brief look before he continued to write on the whiteboard, and you turned your attention back to the lecture.

In the break, Catrine immediately went over to the newcomer and shook his hand. "Welcome to the class! I'm Catrine."

She was one of those hyper social persons who knew everybody, and if she didn't she made sure to get to know them as soon as possible.

He stared blankly at her. "Sorry?"

"Oh, you speak English!"

"How perceptive of you," he deadpanned.

"That's super cool! What's your name and where comes you from?" She was assaulting the language badly, but in her defense she studied chemistry and not English.

"Drake Marley. From America."

You narrowed your eyes. America? Absolutely not. His accent had made you think of English royalty and BBC reporters, and no Americans you ever heard spoke like that.

"Nice. Why are you in a Swedish university if you're American?"

"Exchange student." He glanced at the pile of textbooks in his open briefcase; all of them were written in English. "It's not necessary for me to understand anything; I already know the required course book by heart. But I thought lectures were mandatory?"

Of course the guy had a briefcase and not a backpack... a snob through and through, it would seem.

"Not at all. Labs are, though."

A Magical Classmate // Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now