7. Draco the Death Eater

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You are gradually coming to terms with the shocking information when you realize that Drake has the power to remove your memories of what he told you

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You are gradually coming to terms with the shocking information when you realize that Drake has the power to remove your memories of what he told you. You beg him not to.

 You beg him not to

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7. Draco the Death Eater

Drake didn't move away as you tried to soothe him, but he didn't look any happier either. Touching him had a calming effect on yourself, however; it made him feel real and solid, a person of flesh and blood who just happened to be able to do supernatural things.

He was still fidgeting with his wand and despite your agitated state you became curious.

"Can I try?" You poked it lightly with your fingertip, expecting a buzz or sparks, but you didn't feel anything.

"Go ahead."

It was made of smooth wood, and lighter than you had expected. Nothing happened when you waved it. "What were those words you said?"

"The words won't do anything without the correct gestures – and you'd need magical ability." He enveloped your hand with his own, guiding you through the movement. "Wingardium Leviosa."

Now you felt it. Your skin prickled lightly as power flared from within the wand, passing through your fingers and joining a force from Drake's hand. The lilac rose, resuming its impossible position.

You shivered, but this time it wasn't from fear. The magic affected you, filling you with a strange excitement. Goosebumps appeared on your arms.

He helped you cast a new spell. "Accio dragon figure." More power flowed through your joint hands and the toy escaped his pocket. With a third spell he made it do little pirouettes around the flower.

You could not hold back a laugh. "That is so cute."

He did more tricks. The dragon grew and flapped its wings, and even breathed fire on the lawn. When he returned it to its normal size the burned patch of grass remained.

You looked at him as he worked. He did it so naturally and gracefully, yet in every motion he was still him. He had the same focused expression as when working through a chemistry lab or writing a report.

A Magical Classmate // Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now