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Elijah p.o.v
I was in the locker room with Jalen and Andrew

Me: what's wrong with you

Jalen: nothing just got a headache

Andrew: I bet with all them flashing lights and shit

Drew showed us Jalen's instagram post

Jalen: I'm soo damn tired of doing photo shoots and shit

Me: just tell them no

Andrew: or you could let me do them for you

Jalen ignored him

Jalen: if I say no then my dad will be like see your not mature enough to keep a job headass

Andrew: didn't he say that about you about handling your money

Jalen: yeah

Me: I'm sorry Jalen but your dad is weird

Jalen: shit I'm not even offended cause it's true

Jalen went back tying his shoe
End p.o.v

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