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Erica p.o.v
Walking into my kitchen I saw some young lady grabbing a water bottle

Me: um who are you

Nailani: oh god you scared me

Me: who are you

I started to call the police

Nailani; I I uh I'm Jalen's tutor nailani

Me: mhm or are you sleeping with my husband

Nailani: no I'm not I-

Jalen: mama chill out

I turned to him

Me: who the hell are you telling to chill

Jalen; mama I-

Me: you got some random hoe in my house jalen

Jalen: she's not a hoe ma she's my tutor

Me: oh I am soo sorry

Nailani: it's fine

Me: I didn't mean to-

I saw the girl walk out the room

Jalen: mama what the hell

Me: I said I was sorry
End p.o.v

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