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James p.o.v
I was in Leon's basement playing poker with the guys

Leon: whew Otis might take all ya money

Me: I doubt it

Otis: yeah yeah

He put all his chips in and flipped his card

Leon: damn o you really lost

Otis: fuck

Me: haha

All the money is mine

Otis: since you took my money give some to Jalen

Me: now why would I do that

Otis; cause you have to give the boy some

I rolled my eyes at him

Leon: well o is right

Me: maybe I'll give him a little

Otis: okay

Leon: anyway wassup with Erica

Me: man she's been on my ass about this money shit and I hate lying to her

Otis; well give her some money then so she can shut up about it

Me: you know what I probably will
End p.o.v

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