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Andrew p.o.v
It was all over social media about Jalen's dad gambling problem

Elijah; hey

Jalen; hey

Jalen flopped down on my bed

Me: have you been on the internet

Jalen: no why

Me and Elijah looked at each other

Jalen; what is it

Me: it's about your dad bro

Jalen; what

Elijah showed him his phone

Jalen: James Williams father of football star Jalen Williams has a gambling problem

Elijah: yeah it's pictures of him at that one bar on 20th street

Jalen; this fucking liar

Me: huh

Jalen; my mama been asking him if he's been gambling and he said no

Us: damn

Jalen; I gotta go

He ran out of my room
End p.o.v

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