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James p.o.v
Sneaking back into my house after gambling

Jalen; dad what are you doing

Me: hey

Jalen; why are you coming home late

Me: well why are you up

Jalen; I couldn't sleep

Me: mhm

Jalen: but where were you at

Me: I was out fishing with the guys

Jalen looked at me funny

Jalen: fishing really dad

Me: yes

Jalen: okay what's next mama gonna come up here and lie and say she ate with the president

He started laughing

Me: it's not funny now go back to bed

Jalen: man whatever

He grabbed some cookies

Me: you know what I don't want that girl over here again

Jalen: why

Me: somethings off about her

He ignored me and went up the stairs
End p.o.v

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