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Erica p.o.v
I stormed straight into the house

Me: you have no right to hit my son

James: he's my son too

Me: shut up James

I started looking for Jalen

Me: where is he

James: he's in his room being a crybaby

Me: really James

James: yes really

I ignored him and went to go check on Jalen

Me: baby I'm home

Jalen: hey ma

Me: so what happened with your dad

Jalen: he had a stank attitude as soon as he saw me

Jalen zipped up his backpack

Me: where you going

Jalen: imma go stay with Andrew or Elijah til this shit is over with

Me: but-

Jalen: I don't want to talk anymore

He walked out of his room
End p.o.v

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