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Nailani p.o.v
I was walking home when a car pulled up on me

Jalen; hey

Me: hi

Jalen: can we talk

Me: ain't we talking right now

He rolled his eyes at me

Jalen: can you get in the car please

Me: sure

I got in and he started driving

Me: so where are we going

Jalen: to my hideout

I looked at him funny

Jalen: I'm sorry I blamed you for my stuff coming up missing

Me: um okay

Jalen; whole time it was my dad

Me: see I knew it

Jalen; huh

Me: well when I was at your house I heard him talking to someone on the phone about betting some of your stuff for money

Jalen: damn

Me: yeah sorry I didn't tell you

Jalen: it's fine besides it's all over the internet anyway

Me; damn
End p.o.v

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