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Erica p.o.v
I was sitting on the couch when James snuck back in the house

Me: where were you at

James: I was out with the guys

Me: yeah okay

I rolled my eyes at him

Me; are you cheating on me James

James: hell no

Me; then what is going on with you

James: I can't get a drink with the guys

He took his jacket off and Jalen's ring fell out his pocket

Me: why do you have that

James: uh

Me: your gambling again ain't you

I grabbed Jalen's ring

James: well I won it back from Otis so it's not a big deal

Me: it is a big deal we need that money for bills and for Jalen

He waved me off and headed up the stairs

Me: I'm done James I'm done
End p.o.v

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