New Friend's, New Enemies part two

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While on the road to eliminate a demon, Kagome and Sesshomaru run into Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko, Kagome greeted them warmly.

"Tanjiro, Nezuko!" Kagome smiles walking up to the two with enthusiasm, she stops next to the two, Nezuko hugs her.

Tanjiro smiles "hello, you two out on that demon near the south?"

Kagome nods "you too?" Being with Sango and hearing stories of her going out with other slayers was smart but it seems here if there was more slayers going to the same location it meant it was something big.

Tanjiro nods "yeah, but I'm worries with the four of use it means it's strong."

Sesshomaru for the most part didn't seem to care, theses demons weren't strong just annoying obstacles.

Kagome nods "could it be an Upper-Moon?"

Tanjiro shakes his head "I doubt he would let anymore of his minions out so soon after two were killed in the Sword Smith Village, plus he could be after Nezuko because she conquered the sun."

Kagome looks like she's in deep thought, before she spoke "thos could be a trap, the more prepared we are the better, I know Lord Sesshomaru could single handly take on anything with no issues, plus his acid whip could prevent them from healing or regenerating."

Sesshomaru smiles a ghost of a smile, it seems that all her training and her ability to remember his abilities seems to not have been a waist of time.

Tanjiro looks surprised about his abilities he was still learning that Sesshomaru wasn't a normal demon or one he was used to anyways.

Tanjiro and Kagome decided to go to the village together more power in numbers and all that.

Night fell fast, the small group arrived just a few minutes before night fall, Sesshomarus nose picked up the faul oder from the East, the village was petrified from so many missing people, which Kagome honestly couldn't blame them, while they waited Kagome went around healing those who were sick and injured with her Raiki.

Sesshomaru watched her work, his beast chuckled inside its cage 'she would make a perfect mate.' Sesshomaru would agree if it wasn't for the fact she was human, that was the one reason he never acted on his beast wants for the Miko.

'Her power alone could produce a strong pup, a perfect heir.' The beast says again in a more I know everything tone.

'Or' Sesshomaru thought back 'due to her powers she could not have a pup with me.' There have never been a Successful pregnancy between any demon and Miko, even in the Daiyokai circle it was unheard of for the two opposite creatures to have a successful pregnancy.

/hope you like it! Thank you all so very much for all the love! This is the first tory I have ever written that got such a high reading! Hope to see you all soon!/

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