A New day, New fights

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Kagome, oblivious to the interrupted conversation, stretched and greeted the new day. Tanjiro, sensing the delicate balance, wisely shifted the topic away from love. Sesshomaru, maintaining his stoic demeanor, distanced himself from Kagome, concealing any traces of vulnerability or emotion. The unspoken complexities of their connection lingered beneath the surface, hidden in the shifting dynamics of their intertwined destinies.

Acknowledging Kagome's greeting with a subtle nod, Sesshomaru allowed a hint of formality to soften his usual stern demeanor. The exchange of morning pleasantries marked a subtle shift in the air, hinting at a potential understanding between them, even amidst the complexities of their intertwined worlds.

Grateful for the unexpected hospitality, Sesshomaru acknowledged the elderly woman's generosity with a stoic nod. As Kagome gathered her belongings, the unusual warmth of the moment lingered, creating a subtle contrast to the challenges that awaited them on their journey.

Sesshomaru, though accustomed to a more formal address, couldn't help but detect a sincerity in Kagome's words. He acknowledged her readiness with a slight inclination of his head, the silent understanding between them deepening as they prepared to face the unknown together.

As Tanjiro bid his farewells to the group, heading back to Shinobu with a purpose, Kagome exchanged parting words with the friends they left behind. The divergence of paths marked a new chapter in their journey, with Kagome and Sesshomaru venturing forward, the landscape unfolding before them, veiled in the mysteries of destiny.

Observing Kagome's need for sustenance, Sesshomaru nodded in agreement. Allowing her a moment to replenish her energy proved wise in the unpredictable journey they embarked upon. As Kagome enjoyed her meal, a quiet understanding lingered between them, bridging the gap between demon lord and time-traveling priestess.

The stark contrast in Sesshomaru's demeanor was a relief for Kagome. Unlike Inuyasha's impatience and harsh words, Sesshomaru never expressed anger or belittled her for her choices. This difference in treatment fostered a sense of understanding and respect, making her appreciate the older brother's stoic and composed nature.

Indeed, Sesshomaru's approach stood in stark contrast to Inuyasha's tendency to draw comparisons to a past lover. The absence of such comparisons from the demon lord reflected a more considerate and understanding nature, deepening Kagome's appreciation for the distinct qualities that set Sesshomaru apart.

As Kagome smiled, finding a sense of peace and contentment beside Sesshomaru, he observed her with a quiet curiosity. The enigmatic connection between the peculiar human and the stoic demon lord continued to unfold, weaving a tapestry of emotions and understanding that surpassed the complexities of their individual pasts.

"Sesshomaru..." Kagome's sharp tone caught his attention, and he halted their journey. Sensing the strong demonic energy, they both felt its presence. Kagome, dropping the usual formality, expressed her uncertainty about locating its source. The air hung heavy with anticipation as they embarked on the quest to unveil the mysterious force that awaited them.

Kagome's gentle flow of Reiki brushed over Sesshomaru, an uneasy but accepted connection. As they scanned the area, his sharp senses heightened. Sesshomaru, ever analytical, voiced his suspicion that the mysterious presence might be observing them from the shadows, suggesting caution in the daylight. The uneasy alliance between them deepened as they navigated the unknown threat together.

The mention of Muzan's name carried a weight of concern in Kagome's voice. Her training had diminished fear of many foes, but the threat posed by Muzan, with his ability to turn humans into demons, stirred a genuine unease within her. Sesshomaru, attuned to her emotions, acknowledged the gravity of the situation with a stoic nod, understanding the heightened stakes they faced.

Sesshomaru's unexpected declaration resonated deeply with Kagome. His promise to protect her, uttered with a sincerity she hadn't anticipated from the stoic demon lord, caused her heart to skip a beat. In that moment, the unspoken understanding between them took on a new layer, weaving threads of trust and connection that transcended the complexities of their individual histories.

The contrast between Sesshomaru's feelings towards his father's actions and his perspective on Kagome's worthiness for protection revealed the complexity of his character. Despite harboring resentment towards his father for protecting someone deemed unworthy, Sesshomaru acknowledged Kagome's purity and saw her as deserving of the safeguarding he was now willing to offer. This divergence highlighted the intricate layers of emotions within the demon lord.

In the midst of ominous energy, Kagome managed a grateful smile directed at the Demon Lord.

Sesshomaru nodded in agreement, "We should press on. Having a clearing will give us an advantage if it attacks." Kagome followed, both remaining vigilant.

As night fell, Kagome stood still, attentive to any sounds. Sesshomaru's keen eyes tracked the shadows. From the darkness emerged a demon with pink hair, pale skin, and tattoos. His eerie smirk hinted at unknown intentions.

Kagome, deciphering the kanji, warned Sesshomaru that the demon was an Upper Moon. Sesshomaru, protecting her, assumed a battle stance. The demon, Akaza, laughed, assuring he wasn't interested in Kagome but found Sesshomaru intriguing. He noted Sesshomaru's unique nature, not human yet distinct from Lord Muzan.

Infusing her sword with Reiki, Kagome joined Sesshomaru's attack. Akaza, reveling in the battle, faced them barehanded. Kagome, noticing an opening, maneuvered and slashed with her glowing pink sword. Akaza, surprised and in pain, recoiled, questioning Kagome's abilities.

Kagome maintained her smirk, letting Sesshomaru capitalize on the distraction to launch another attack. Akaza struggled to regenerate his hand, finding it futile in the face of their combined assault.

Employing his demon blood art, Akaza attempted an attack, but Sesshomaru's speed allowed him to evade effortlessly. Mocking Akaza's abilities, Sesshomaru found him lacking despite his claims as a powerful demon.

Akaza growled, questioning his identity as a demon. Sesshomaru calmly asserted, "I am Lord Sesshomaru, daiyoki of the Western Lands." Akaza, perplexed, realized that Sesshomaru was a unique and formidable presence among demons.

Akaza, sensing the need to report to Muzan, growled and fled. Sesshomaru, sheathing his sword, called him a coward. Kagome approached, concerned, and asked, "Are you injured?"

"I'm not hurt, Miko," Sesshomaru reassured her gently, sensing her concern. Kagome shook her head, noting that Akaza hadn't landed a single hit on her, finding it peculiar.

Sesshomaru and Kagome shared a nod, both finding it peculiar that Akaza refrained from fighting a woman. They acknowledged that women could be just as deadly as men in battle.

Throughout the night, Sesshomaru and Kagome remained vigilant for any potential threats. Meanwhile, inside the infinity castle, Muzan questioned Akaza's report, intrigued by the mention of a demon with white hair and a girl with extraordinary abilities. His thoughts raced, knowing that humans with powers to counter demons were a threat he believed to have eradicated long ago.

Kokushibo nodded and departed, while Doma sighed, expressing disappointment about not getting time with Akaza. Muzan sternly reminded him, "I don't like repeating myself, Doma." The seriousness of the situation weighed heavily on their impending mission.

Doma reluctantly nodded before leaving. Kagome and Sesshomaru, once again with Tanjiro, embarked on Kagome's Concentration Breathing training—a challenging journey that lay ahead.

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