Going Home Never felt Bitter Sweet.

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Kagome felt a strange pull, something tugging at her Reiki. Gasping, she looked at Sesshomaru. "I'm feeling something pulling on my Reiki!" She grabbed his hand, urging him to follow her towards the mysterious source.

Sesshomaru blinked but let her pull him along; he was concerned, yet he acknowledged the importance of heeding her advice.

As Kagome followed the mysterious pull, the dense forest around them thickened, but she pressed on, undeterred by the growing intensity of the unknown force guiding her path.

In a small clearing, a well glowed softly with an unknown source of light. Kagome cried out in joy, realizing it could be their way home. Sesshomaru blinked; the well was definitely not there before. He recalled his visits to this place while Kagome was being tended to at Shinobu's hospital.

Kagome turned to Sesshomaru, exclaiming, "We need to run back and tell Giyu and Tanjiro goodbye!" Before she could make a move, Sesshomaru gently grabbed her and swiftly flew back towards the Slayers.

Kagome blinked in relief, grateful she didn't need to run back. Once they arrived at Shinobu's Hospital, Sesshomaru gently set her on her feet. She quickly ran off, calling out to Tanjiro, who rushed over with concern, followed by Giyu.

Kagome informed them that their way home was in the well. Tanjiro, although saddened, smiled and hugged her gently, understanding her longing for home. Giyu bowed, expressing gratitude. Kagome returned Tanjiro's hug with a smile, and Sesshomaru nodded to Giyu in silent acknowledgment.

After their heartfelt goodbyes, Sesshomaru took Kagome back to the well. She nodded, indicating her readiness, and without a second thought, he leaped into the well, holding Kagome close.

Kagome felt herself being pulled away from Sesshomaru, yelling his name as he tried to grab her, but she vanished from his sight. He looked around, only to see clear blue skies above him and no Kagome. Bowing his head, he acknowledged the slim likelihood of her staying with him or in the feudal era, now facing the harsh reality of her absence.

Kagome found herself in a semi-darkness, realizing she was back in her own time. Overwhelmed, she fell to her knees and cried, letting her emotions flow freely. The realization that she wouldn't be with Sesshomaru or her son again weighed heavily on her heart.

Sota, hearing the crying, rushed into the well house. As he looked over the well, shining the light down, his heart broke at the sound of his big sister's cries echoing from below.

He climbed down, helping Kagome up and out of the well. "It's okay, Kago-nii, I got you. It's okay," he reassured her, understanding that for her, things might not be okay, but he wanted to offer comfort.

Kagome held Sota close, grappling with the loss of her son and the man she had fallen in love with. Stuck in a world where she didn't feel like she belonged, she sought solace in her brother's comforting presence.

A week into her time, Kagome rarely left her room. Despite efforts from her mom, grandpa, and brother to coax her out, nothing seemed to work. Frustrated and despondent, Kagome continued trying everything in her power to find a way back, but each attempt ended in failure.

Sota called over Kagome's friends, Eri, Ayumi, and Yuka, hoping they could help. When they came over and went up to Kagome's room, their attempts eventually worked. The four girls left, even though Kagome didn't seem too thrilled about it.

Another few weeks passed, and Yuka called Kagome, inviting her to join the others at a new museum that had opened up. Kagome sighed, acknowledging that while her true past was now confined to storybooks, the visit might still evoke memories of Sesshomaru and Shippo.

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