The Attack and Aftermath

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Sesshomaru pondered the limitations of his relationship with Kagome. The uncharted territory of a potential pregnancy between a demon and a Miko left him with a mix of curiosity and caution. As the night deepened, he found himself lost in contemplation, wondering about the implications of their connection.

Meanwhile, Kagome continued her healing efforts in the village, unaware of the thoughts occupying Sesshomaru's mind. The air was thick with tension as the group prepared for the approaching threat. The night held secrets, and only time would unveil the challenges that lay ahead.

The swift and coordinated efforts of Kagome, Tanjiro, and Sesshomaru quickly neutralized the demon threat. Kagome's proficiency with her Reiki, honed through her experiences in the feudal era, seamlessly complemented Tanjiro's skills as a demon slayer. Sesshomaru, moving with unparalleled speed, struck with precision, ensuring the menace was swiftly eradicated.

As the echoes of battle subsided, Kagome took a moment to catch her breath. Tanjiro, though amazed by their efficiency, was still getting used to the extraordinary abilities of his newfound allies.

"Your speed is incredible," Tanjiro admitted, panting slightly from the exertion.

Sesshomaru nodded stoically, while Kagome offered a reassuring smile. "We've faced many challenges together. Speed and coordination become essential when dealing with powerful adversaries."

Tanjiro, eager to learn more from these experienced warriors, looked at Kagome. "Your Reiki is unique. How did you develop such mastery over it?"

Kagome briefly recounted her adventures in the feudal era, the battles, the encounters with demons, and the guidance she received from powerful beings. Tanjiro listened with genuine interest, recognizing the shared experiences of facing formidable foes.

As they stood amidst the aftermath of the confrontation, Kagome, Tanjiro, and Sesshomaru formed an unlikely but effective team, ready to face whatever challenges the night might bring.

Tanjiro and Sesshomaru exchanged puzzled glances, grappling with the concept of an artificial device producing cold air.

"In my time, we have machines that can cool the air indoors, especially during hot weather," Kagome explained, realizing the challenge of conveying such modern conveniences to those unfamiliar with them.

Tanjiro scratched his head, trying to comprehend. "So, you have devices that make the air cold? That sounds incredible!"

Sesshomaru's expression remained impassive, but there was a subtle curiosity in his golden eyes.

"It's quite convenient, especially during scorching summers," Kagome added, contemplating the vast differences between eras.

As they continued their conversation, Tanjiro and Sesshomaru found themselves intrigued by Kagome's descriptions of technological advancements from her time. It was a glimpse into a world they could scarcely imagine, one shaped by progress beyond their wildest dreams.

Sesshomaru observed Kagome's interaction with Nezuko, the gentle touch and soothing gestures she offered to the demon girl. It was a side of her that intrigued him, a compassionate nature that went beyond what he had initially understood.

Kagome, unaware of the Daiyokai's contemplation, continued to engage with Nezuko, sharing a connection that seemed to transcend the boundaries between human and demon.

"Your ability to communicate with demons is indeed unique, Miko," Sesshomaru remarked, acknowledging her distinctive talent.

Kagome looked up, meeting Sesshomaru's eyes with a warm smile. "Well, we all have our strengths, Lord Sesshomaru. It's essential to find common ground and understand each other, regardless of our differences."

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