Mastering Construction Breathing

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As Kagome continued her rigorous training, a newfound strength emanated from her. Sesshomaru observed with unwavering pride, recognizing the potential within his mate. The beast's purring anticipation hinted at the extraordinary strength Kagome was destined to wield, surpassing even the mightiest of female Youkai.

Tanjiro and Shinobu exchanged impressed glances, acknowledging Kagome's rapid mastery of concentration breathing. Knowing she trained under the formidable Sesshomaru, the speed of her progress didn't come as a surprise, solidifying her status as a force to be reckoned with.

Relaxing in the hot springs, Kagome reveled in the soothing sensation on her skin. The respite was well-deserved, considering the intense training and the unfortunate demon attacks that had ravaged nearby villages during her rigorous sessions.

The news of Rengoku's demise and Uzi's retirement weighed heavily on Kagome's heart. However, Tanjiro's words reminded her of their duty to honor Rengoku's legacy by completing the mission he had started. Despite the sadness, a newfound determination sparked within her to carry on the fight.

Observing the trio of energetic girls alongside Tanjiro, Sesshomaru noted their spirited nature. Though their methods might be unconventional, their willingness to assist Kagome didn't escape his discerning gaze. The blend of energy and determination among them hinted at an interesting dynamic in their collective pursuit.

Inosuke learned the harsh lesson that provoking the Demon Lord came with consequences, yet Kagome seemed to act as a mitigating force in those situations. On the other hand, Zenitsu, while nervous around Sesshomaru, hadn't experienced the full extent of his wrath, creating an atmosphere of cautious respect.

Nezuko's presence around Sesshomaru stirred memories of Rin, prompting a rare display of tenderness from the Demon Lord as he gently rubbed her head. This softer side revealed a connection that transcended the usual stoicism, showcasing a unique bond between them.

Observing Sesshomaru's gentle interaction with Nezuko, Kagome's heart fluttered, envisioning him as an amazing father in the future. Despite Rin not being his biological child, the connection between them conveyed a paternal warmth that left Kagome with a hopeful and tender sentiment.

Sesshomaru turned, sensing Kagome's soft Reiki touch, a gentle reminder of her presence without invoking any harm. The unspoken connection between them conveyed a silent understanding, adding a layer of comfort to the moment.

Sesshomaru inquired, "How was your bath, Miko?" Kagome smiled, replying, "Good. What's going on?" Gesturing towards the lively scene of Inosuke and Tanjiro sparring while Zenitsu attempted, unsuccessfully, to intervene, Nezuko observed with amusement. Sesshomaru, showing a hint of annoyance, explained, "The fool tried to fight Nezuko."

Kagome's eye twitched as she swiftly intervened, grabbing Inosuke by the back of his neck with a firm yet motherly grip. Threatening him in a tone that held a promise of consequences, she commanded enough. Tanjiro and Zenitsu, recognizing her authority, bowed their heads in respect, mixed with a touch of fear. Sesshomaru chuckled, finding amusement in Kagome's assertive demeanor, appreciating the allure she carried even when angry. Inosuke, frozen, blinked in a struggle with conflicting animal instincts in her presence.

Kagome's stern gaze held Inosuke captive as she laid down the consequences. He nodded hastily, the prospect of missing dinner enough to make him vow to avoid any further clashes with Nezuko. The warning delivered, Kagome released her hold, leaving Inosuke to ponder the gravity of her words.

Kagome walked over to Sesshomaru and Nezuko, showing concern for the demon girl. Addressing her affectionately, she asked, "You okay, honey?" Nezuko nodded happily, embracing Kagome gently. Kagome giggled, reciprocating the hug with a soft warmth.

Tanjiro smiled, heartened by the way Kagome treated his little sister as if Nezuko were her own daughter. The genuine care and warmth Kagome showed brought happiness to Tanjiro, grateful for the bond growing between Kagome and Nezuko.

Sesshomaru's typically stoic face softened as he observed Kagome's motherly side. He appreciated the beauty she exuded, whether in the midst of battle or simply nurturing children who needed it. The duality of her strength and tenderness didn't escape his discerning gaze.

Nezuko pulled away, seeking comfort from Tanjiro who gently rubbed her head. Kagome, displaying newfound grace from her training, sat down next to Sesshomaru. The scene unfolded, revealing the evolving dynamics and connections between them.

Sesshomaru praised Kagome, acknowledging her achievements. A light blush adorned her cheeks, reminiscent of the previous occasion when he commended her for landing a hit during their training. His praise, rare but meaningful, continued to evoke a fluttering warmth in her heart.

"Thank you, Lord Sesshomaru," Kagome smiled at him, grateful for the acknowledgment. Reflecting on her past with Inuyasha, she appreciated the difference in their dynamics. Unlike Inuyasha, Sesshomaru recognized and respected her dedication and training, a contrast that made her grateful for the shift in her affections.

Sesshomaru nodded, recognizing Kagome's deserving nature of any praise she received. He acknowledged that even the head of the Demon Slayers recognized her achievements. Contemplating the possibility, he considered that if they stayed here, Kagome might ascend to the rank of a Hashira, a testament to her growing prowess.

Kagome, harboring a desire for peace, yearned to settle down and have children, even if they weren't Sesshomaru's own. She was aware of the challenges her mixed heritage posed in producing a strong heir who could rule. Despite this, her aspiration for a tranquil life took precedence over the complexities of lineage and succession.

Giyu entered the yard, spotting Kagome, Sesshomaru, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. Tanjiro greeted him with a smile, inquiring about the mission. Giyu sighed, expressing weariness. Kagome approached, concerned, and offered to check his injuries. Giyu reassured her, shaking his head, "I'm okay, Higurashi-sama." The camaraderie among them reflected a shared concern for each other's well-being.

"If you're sure, but don't hesitate to ask if you need something," Kagome smiled warmly. Giyu nodded appreciatively, and just as Inosuke rushed over with his spirited challenge, Kagome flinched at the loud yelling and promptly smacked him upside the head. "Lower your voice, young man," she scolded, asserting her authority with a hint of exasperation.

Giyu regarded Inosuke with boredom as Tanjiro suggested he go fight Sanemi. Sesshomaru, well aware of the formidable Sanemi, smirked knowingly. Inosuke, not known for his intelligence, eagerly rushed off in search of the confrontational Hashira. The unfolding dynamic hinted at a potential clash that promised both entertainment and a lesson for Inosuke.

Giyu smirked, suggesting bets, and Kagome, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu simultaneously agreed. Sanemi and Giyu shared a nod, confident that none of them would lose the bet. The outcome unfolded quickly, with Inosuke arriving at the hospital wing just 12 minutes later, battered and covered in bruises. The predictable result left the onlookers both amused and unsurprised.

Kagome sighed, heading off to assist with Inosuke's injuries. Meanwhile, Sesshomaru shook his head, drawing a parallel between Inosuke's behavior and that of his foolish little brother, Inuyasha. The familiarity of the dynamic between them seemed to amuse and perhaps exasperate the Demon Lord.

Kagome, in her twenties, found herself spending more time scolding Inosuke than healing him. To her, he seemed more like a child now, and despite his attempts to argue back, Inosuke couldn't quite contend with Kagome's no-nonsense demeanor and stern gaze.

After finishing with Inosuke, Kagome returned outside to find the others had left for missions. Sesshomaru, looking at her, mentioned they had a mission as well and asked if she was ready. Kagome nodded affirmatively, preparing for the upcoming task with determination.

(Hope you like it! It's late and I need sleep....

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