The Mission

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-Flight Deck-

[A ballet of controlled chaos as various flight deck crews prepping all the aircraft involved in the mission. Rooster, Phoenix, Bob, Payback and Fanboy step onto the deck. It's for real now. No more training. They trade determined looks... and head for the planes... Rooster finds Hangman in his way. After a long pause.]

Hangman: Give 'em hell.

[Rooster nods. Hangman walks away to Breaker, leaving Rooster to contemplate the gravity of what's happening. Rooster sees Maverick.]

Rooster: Maverick.

[It is the first time we've heard him say that name. The two men meet by Mav's F-18.]

Sir, I...I just want to say-

Flight Deck Speaker: Start 'em up.

Mav: We'll talk when we get back.

[They shake hands.]

Hey Bradley, you've got this.

[Rooster nods and walks away, Maverick watches him go. Breaker come towards their foxtrot, quickly hugging Rooster before climbing the latter to the rear seat.]

Hondo: Maverick.

[Maverick snaps out of his thoughts. He's strapped into his F18. Hondo is leaning into the cockpit.]

Hondo: You with me?

[Maverick nods. Hondo stares.]

Mav: What?

Hondo: Don't give me that look

Mav: Its the only one I got

[And the two men shake hands, as if, in case, it is the last time...]

Mav: (over radio) Dagger One, comms check.

[Phoenix and Bob are sweating, psyching themselves past the anxiety.]

Phoenix: Dagger Two, up and ready.

[Rooster shakes off the nerves.]

Rooster: Dagger Three, up and ready.

[Fanboy crosses himself. Payback exhales.]

Payback: Dagger Four. We read you, sir.

Hangman: Dagger spare is up and ready. Standing by.

[Maverick is about to respond, hesitates.]

[The other pilots hang in the awkward silence.]

Rooster: Sir, do you copy?

Breaker: Dad...?

Mav: (over radio) I want to thank you all for trusting me to lead you.

[Reactions from all of the pilots, moved as he continues.]

Mav: You're the best of the best. It's an honor to be flying with you.

All of you. (Pointed towards Rooster)

Phoenix: We're with you, sir. All the way.

Mav: Forget the sir. We're all the same rank today. Dagger One up and ready on Catapult one.

[Maverick clips on his mask, Breaker smiles and does the same]

-Command Center-

[Cyclone and Warlock stand with ship's Officers and Comms- Crew. Hondo is here as well, anxious.]

Comms-Crew Tech 1: Support assets airborne. Strike package ready. Standing by for launch decision.

Cyclone: Send 'em.

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