Vintage versus Gucci

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-Frozen Lake-

[A scorched parachute drapes the ragged ice... as Maverick lies sprawled, still clipped in, alive.]

[Breaker, alive next to him, slightly burned but ok.]

[At the distant rumbling of the facility implosion, he stirs, coughs, tastes blood in his mouth. He looks down, sees his radio is shattered.]

[He hears the sound of distant helicopter, growing louder, and realizes he's out in the open. He has to move. He scrambled to detach his chute with Breaker close behind.]

[A menacing Hind helicopter, a venerable cold-war relic that will never die, bristling with guns and rockets.]

[Maverick is running with nowhere to go - the barren trees providing little cover. He's a sitting duck. The Hind comes into view and her .50 cal rotary cannon opens fire]

[Chewing into the ice and trees and snow with a hellstorm of lead. The angle is bad and the hind has to come around, buying Maverick precious seconds.]

[He and breaker make a bee line for a tree husk at the edge of the lake]

[He reaches a gnarled fallen tree at the lake's edge. He tries to wedge himself behind it, if only to hide. Nothing out here will stop that cannon.[

[Crew POV of the ground below. No sign of Maverick. But they'll find him soon enough.]

[Maverick stays pressed behind the tree as the Hind approaches, flies overhead.]

[Crew POV over the barrel of the cannon. There's the Mitchells. Exposed. Done for.]

[A helmeted crewman - his face hidden from us - swivels the gun patiently. His hand charges the gun.]

Maverick isn't dying on his back. He leaps up, runs, as a stream of hot red tracers shred the log and follow him like a laser pointer, gaining on him.

[A 3 stray bullets nail Breaker in the shoulder area, 2 grazing her, 1 to her collar bone]

[BOOM. The Hind explodes in mid air. Maverick stops in his tracks. What the-]

[An F-18 streaks past.]

Mav: No...

Breaker: You dense motherfu-

Rooster banks, looking down. He can see Mav's chute, but not Mav. he sees a small trail of blood further away. Then an alarm blares.

Rooster: Oh shit.

[A radar guided missile launcher, it's silhouette familiar to us by now, swivels around and lets fly with a SAM, traveling at mach 5.]

[Rooster throws flares, tries to evade, but he too is doomed. impact.]

-Command Center-

Comms-Crew tech 1: Dagger two is hit.

[Cyclone pounds a fist on the panel.]

[Phoenix waits to hear her friend's voice in vain.]

Comms-Crew tech 2: Dagger two, come in. Dagger Two, do you copy?

[Hangman The shock on his face as he hears this. A single tear from the loss of his dear friend Breaker, and favorite rival Rooster]

Comms-Crew tech 2: Dagger Two, come in...

[Hangman hits his comm.]

Hangman: Dagger spare request permission to launch and fly air cover. A painfully long wait.

Comms-Crew tech 2: Negative, spare...

[Hangman hangs his head.]

[Scrambling out of the rubble, they both see Rooster's F-18 on fire and trailing heavy smoke, as Rooster ejects.]

Maverick's Prodigy (completed)Where stories live. Discover now