Accidentally in Love - Chapter 1

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Hi everyone!

I'm still obsessed with Josie and Isabel so here's a fake dating fic. Enjoy!

"And the way she looks me in the eyes before she kisses me, it's so sexy. If she hit me with her car I'd thank her Josie, I'd thank her." PJ rambled on about Hazel. Since they got together last month it's all she can talk about. Obviously I'm a supportive best friend and I'm super happy for her, but there's only so many different ways she can say she finds Hazel attractive.

"Really, you'd let her run you over with her car? Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?" I questioned as we stood at our lockers, switching our textbooks between class.

"No. I'd let her run me over and then I'd thank her." PJ repeated. I laughed lovingly at how dramatic she is.

I notice a vision of pink in my peripheral vision and smell lavender in the air. Isabel. I whip my head around and feel honoured to even watch her walk past me. "She's unreal." I whispered to PJ.

"Josie she didn't even look at you." She replied, crushing my dreams. "Stop being delusional" she laughed.

My smile left my face in annoyance at what my best friend just said to me. "You're supposed to be my biggest supporter PJ. If anyone thinks I could pull Isabel it should be you."

"I think you can have any girl in this school Josie." She replied, closing our lockers, grabbing my shoulders, and forcing me to look her in the eyes. "But you'd have to talk to her. Thinking you can pull Isabel isn't delusional, but pulling her without talking to her is."

"Ugh" I groaned, slumping over. "She's just so beautiful and smart and talented and all that is wasted on Jeff. It's such a shame."

"Is she still pining over Isabel?" Hazel asked as she walked down the hallway towards us. She stopped next to PJ, slinging her arm over her shoulders and placing a little kiss on her cheek. PJs face lit up at the touch of her girlfriend.

"Yes." PJ replied briefly before going in for a proper kiss. The kiss got deeper and the couple stood there, pinned against PJ's locker making out.

"Really guys?" I asked rhetorically, knowing nothing could snap them out of a smooch that passionate. I shook my head and threw my backpack on. "Bye guys."

They both waved goodbye to me but refused to end their kiss. I laughed to myself as I walked down the hallway to Biology.

I sat down in my seat on the front row and watched the rest of the class pour in. Jeff and the other football guys sat at the back, making weird noises and thinking it's the height of comedy. The last person to enter the room was Isabel, she looked upset. She didn't sit in her usual spot by Jeff, instead, she sat behind me with her best friend Brittany. I turned around to smile at her, but her head was buried in her hands.

Ms Simone's class was boring. She was talking about cells again. As I tuned out of her lesson I switched my attention to Isabel and Brittany.

"I can't believe he had the audacity to break up with you." Brittany exasperated quietly. "Who the fuck does he think he is?"

"He is the quarterback." Isabel pointed out.

"Yeah but look at him. He's like an ugly hairless cat with a shit haircut. And you, you're a goddess." Brittany said.

Isabel let out a little giggle. "That may be true but I want him back." She admitted. "I just need to find a way to make him jealous."

I jumped when the bell rang.

"Class dismissed." Ms Simone said. "Don't forget, homework is due on Monday."

I sat there packing up my stuff, watching as the class flooded out of the room into the hallways. I got up, thinking I was the last to leave and walked right into Isabel, knocking her books back onto the desk.

"Shit, I'm so sorry" I apologised as I passed her books to her to put back in her bag.

"It's fine." She replied glumly, not looking me in the eyes.

"Oh your pen." I knelt on the floor to grab her pink, fluffy glitter pen. Of course she has a pink, fluffy glitter pen. As I passed it to her our fingers touched and I felt a pulse run from my fingertip up my arm and into my heart.

"Josie, right?" Isabel questioned. We made eye contact. I never noticed how green her eyes are.

"Yeah." I stammered. "Yeah, Josie." I confirmed my name as I stood back up. My heart was racing watching those perfect lips speak my name.

"Thanks Josie." She smiled, looking up at me through her eyelids. I now understand what PJ meant about thanking Hazel for hitting her with a car. I'd do the same for Isabel.

"Umm... yeah... sorry again." But by the time I got my words out she'd gone.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I ate lunch with PJ and Hazel, I told them about my encounter with Isabel. They were proud I spoke to her but quickly moved their attention back to each other's lips. I had Math and History after lunch and then it was time to head home.

I walked to my locker. "I'll see you Sunday?" I asked PJ as I put my books away.

"Absolutely, I've been craving chicken on a stick all week." She admitted.

"You always crave chicken on a stick." I laughed. "I'll see you then." I waved goodbye. I fished my car keys off my carabiner that was attached to my belt loop (like the lesbian I am) and headed out to the parking lot.

I saw a pink figure stood by my car. I blinked twice and it didn't disappear. Isabel was stood by my car. Isabel was stood by my car.

"Josie, hi!" Isabel said with that soft but husky voice of hers.

"How did you know this was my car?" I asked.

"The 'I love MILFS' bumper sticker was a bit of a giveaway." She giggled. My face flushed, feeling embarrassed.

"Oh." I said awkwardly. "Well you found me. What did you want?"

"I have a favour to ask. It's a little strange."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend."

I pinched my arm, surely I was dreaming.

"Jeff broke up with me and I want him back. But the more I chase him, the less he'll want me. So I need to make him jealous, and that's where you come in. I can't ask Brittany, everyone knows she's straight. So I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend so Jeff gets jealous and wants me back. It should only take a couple weeks." Isabel proposed.

"Wow." I said, too stunned to speak. "You know I'm a girl, right? I know I wear a lot of men's clothes but..."

Isabel laughed. "Yeah Josie, I know you're a girl. I'm bisexual, it just never came up since I've always been with Jeff."

"What's in it for me?" I ask, finally gathering my thoughts.

"Popularity." She answered quickly. "I'm sure you're great Josie, but everyone thinks you're a loser. But if you're seen dating the head cheerleader, the whole school will see you in a different way. Every gay girl in school will want you."

"You make a good point." I admit. I'd get quality time with Isabel, get to hang around cheerleaders and boost my popularity, seems like a win-win situation.

"So, do we have a deal?" Isabel asked me, holding out her hand for me to shake.

"We do." I agreed and shook her hand. There goes that pulse to my heart again.

Isabel passed me her phone. "Give me your number and I'll text you a more detailed plan across the weekend." I enter my number and pass it back. "Then as of Monday, we're 'dating'" she said using air quotes.

"Sounds good." I said, playing it cool. We shared a smile before she walked away across the parking lot in her cheerleader uniform. I watched every step she took, her skirt swishing perfectly in time with her ponytail. Once she turned the corner, I picked up my phone and texted PJ.

PJ [15:42]

You won't fucking believe what just happened

Thanks for reading! I hope you like the premise, It'll be a fun one to write.

New chapter coming soon :)

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