Chapter 2

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I watched Bottoms again last night and I was eager to write a new chapter.

Also I live in the UK so I apologise if the high school times, locations etc don't make sense.


Sunday, 13:21

"I don't know about this Josie." PJ stated her apprehension towards mine and Isabel's fake dating plan. "I just think she's kind of using you, I mean she gets Jeff back but what do you get out of this whole plan?"

"Girls." I answered honestly. "If every gay girl in school sees me dating the head cheerleader, they'll stop seeing me as a loser and start seeing me as the stud I am."

"Hmm" PJ thought it through over a mouthful of chicken on a stick. "You might even turn a few straight girls." She grinned. "Yeah, this would be a great plan if you weren't in LOVE WITH ISABEL."

"Shhh PJ!" I calmed her. "I don't need the whole restaurant to know I've been in love with Isabel since the seventh grade."

"I just think it's dumb and you'll end up hurt." She told me as I fumbled with the zipper on my green hoodie. "But, you will get to date Isabel, even if it is pretend."

"Exactly." I agreed, looking up into her eyes again, feeling more confident in my decision. "And I bet when I'm around that much I'll find so many icks that I'll get over her, and then I can move onto another girl."

"Yeah, okay." PJ agreed. "But if this all goes tits up, I'll be here saying 'I told you so'."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you." I laughed at my friends tough love attitude. My phone vibrated on the table.

Isabel [13:26]

Meet me in the school parking lot at 08:30 tomorrow

Need to go over plan before school

"Who's that?" PJ asked as I read the text. "Is that her? Is that Isabel?"

"What do I say to that?" I asked PJ, passing her my phone. She began to type.

Hey Izzy belle, no problem girl, see you at my usual spot gorgeous lady

"Absolutely not!" I snatched my phone out of her hand before she could tap send. I wrote a new message.

Okay, see you then :)

"Much better." I reassured myself. "Anyway, how are you and Hazel?"

"Same old us, we have crazy hot lesbian sex and then she plays with her legos and I watch tiktok. So pretty good." She answered honestly.

Monday, 08:24

I pull into the parking lot earlier than the time Isabel and I agreed on. Early is on time and on time is late.

I sat there listening to my music for the remaining six minutes until our meeting, but I was interrupted by Isabel opening my car door.

"Josie, hi!" She said with a lot of energy as she climbed into my passenger seat.

"Hi, it's 8am, how do you have so much energy?" I asked, embarrassed by the fact I've only been awake for thirty minutes.

"I don't know." She giggled. "I guess I'm just always like this." She shrugged. Her laugh is so infectious I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"Anyway, game plan." She said with a straight face and a nod. I became nervous at the thought of being her (pretend) girlfriend, I've been waiting years for this. "I think it'll only take a week or so to get Jeff back, but I need our rouse to be believable. So, I'm going to need you to hold my hand in the hallways, walk me to my classes and kiss me goodbye whenever we part."

I gulped. I'm going to kiss the girl of my dreams. What the fuck.

"We'll also need to be seen together outside of school to make it more realistic. The fair is on Friday so naturally we'll go together. We'll do all the couple things and really rub it in Jeffs face. That's all I've got for now, but it should be convincing. Anything you want to add?"

"Umm." I stuttered. "Yeah, yeah that sounds good. What have you got first; I'll walk you there I guess?"

"I've got gym so you can walk me to the locker room. But first we've got to get our first kiss out the way." She said casually.

"Oh uhhh why?" I questioned.

"You know how first kisses are Josie, they're always so awkward. If we want Jeff and everyone to believe we're together, we can't have our first kiss in public, it needs to seem like it's our fiftieth kiss."

"Yeah, first kisses are so awkward." I feigned confidence. I've never kissed anyone. My first kiss is going to be the girl I've had a crush on since the seventh grade. Again, what the fuck. "So we should just"

I was cut off by Isabel's lips on mine. They were so soft and warm and slightly tasted of vanilla. 'this is alright' I thought to myself. Her lips left mine but they were immediately reunited with more passion this time. I felt her tongue graze my bottom lip and I think I just died and went to heaven.

Isabel pulled away and looked me in the eyes, wearing a smirk across her face. "You're a good kisser Josie."

All the blood in my body rushed to my face. I pinched my own arm and confirmed I wasn't dreaming. I swear every time I hear that angelic husky voice say my name my heart skips a beat. "Oh thanks." I finally found the words to say. "You're umm you're a good kisser too." Acting like that wasn't my first kiss. I looked around and the parking lot was filling up.

"Well, we know that works." Isabel said with a shrug. "We should have no problem convincing the school we're together. Let's go!"

I jumped out my car and ran round to Isabel's side to open her door. I offered my hand to help her up.

"Such a gentleman." She giggled as she took my hand.

"Or gentlewoman?" I replied.

She slipped her hand into mine and interlocked our fingers and we made our way from the parking lot through the doors of the school. My world went into slow motion as the doors opened and everyone turned to watch me and the head cheerleader walk through school, hand in hand.

I knew people were really shocked when PJ and Hazel broke up their make out session to watch us walk past. PJ wore a grin on her face and mimed scissoring with her hands, classy as ever. Hazel just looked confused, I guess PJ didn't tell her about the whole situation with me and Isabel. Then we walked past Sylvie and Crystal, they were both looking at me. Little old loser me, Josie.

And finally, we walked past Jeff's locker. His jaw dropped at the sight of us, an expression of anger painting his face.

"I thought you only broke up with her on Friday." Tim questioned. Jeff punched him in the shoulder.

"We did." He whispered under his breath with rage.

We continued walking to the girls locker room. I stopped outside the door, Isabel wrapped her arms around my neck, I looked into those green eyes and watched her lick her lips. She kissed me for the second time today and it somehow felt even better than it did last time.

"Oh, before I go," Isabel said, unzipping her little pink backpack, "I wanted you to have this." She passed me her fluffy pink pen.

"Really?" I asked. "This is your favourite pen."

"I know." She smiled. "That's why I'm letting you borrow it. Everyone knows I always use that pen, so if you're using it, everyone will know we're together."

"You're smart Isabel." I said, taking the pen from her hand and relishing in the feeling of our fingertips touching.

"I know." She laughed. She gave me one last peck on the cheek before disappearing into the locker room.

I walked back down the hallway towards my English class, and everyone was still staring at me. I sat down in my seat, got my notebook out and wrote the date in Isabel's pink glitter pen. I checked my phone while the rest of my class got settled.

Isabel [08:59]

Holy shit its actually working 3

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