Chapter 5

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"Fuck off. You're lying!" PJ shouted from the passenger seat of my car as I drove to school.

"I swear to god I'm telling the truth." I assured her.

"You had sex with Isabel?" She asked again. "You got in the cooch and took her to pound town?"

"We had sex but I didn't 'take her to pound town'. It was more romantic than that. I guess we made love."

"Josie, that is the gayest shit you've ever said." She slapped me on the back with pride. "Look at us go! We're no longer virgin losers, we're hoes, we're fuckboys, we're players."

"We've slept with one girl each, I don't think we qualify as fuckboys Peej." I laughed.

"Okay," She turned to me, "I need the details now. I need to know how it started, obviously I need to know how it ended, and you have to tell me who did what to who."

"Well I'm not doing that, but I will give you an overview since you're my best friend and I love you."

"I love you too, now get to it slut."

I laughed at PJs crudeness. "So, umm, I kissed her first and then we like, took our clothes off, you know, and then I fingered her and she like, came."

"Shut up." PJs jaw was wide open in disbelief. "You topped? I don't believe you."

"I topped." I confirmed with a grin, knowing she would be proud. "And then she like, err, ate me out and it was, yeah, it was pretty good, probably like, top three moments of my entire life."

"I did not expect Isabel to be a munch. So you're not a top then, you totally bottomed for Isabel."

"Yeah but I topped first so-"

"How long did you last?" She interrupted me.

"PJ, I'm not a man, it doesn't matter how long I lasted."

"So it was thirty seconds then?" She teased me.

I swallowed my pride. "More like sixty seconds."

"I knew it!" PJ released one of those deep, belly laughs.

"What did you expect?" I shouted over her laughter. "I had the head cheerleader, the girl I've been in love with since seventh grade, eating me out. You can't blame me for coming quickly."

PJ stared at me shaking her head.

"I'll last longer next time." I promised her as I pulled into the school parking lot.

"You won't." She said under her breath. She was probably right, I could probably make myself come from the memories of last night alone.

"Can you give me a lift home today? Hazel's at an engineering workshop today so I don't have a ride." PJ asked me as we got out the car and began to cross the parking lot.

I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight before me. There she was, Isabel, with her arms around Jeff's neck, kissing him.

"Fuck." PJ said next to me, watching the same display. She said it loud enough that Isabel and Jeff broke apart to look at us. Jeff wore a huge smile across his face but I couldn't read Isabel's expression.

I ran as fast as I could into school, crashing into an empty classroom and sitting on a desk, burying my head in my hands, tears falling down my cheeks.

"Josie?" I heard PJ say. I felt her arms wrap around me, pulling me close into her. I sobbed into my best friends chest as she tried to soothe me by rubbing my back. I let my tears subside and catch my breath.

"I suppose you're here to say I told you so" I mumbled.

"In other circumstances, yes, I would totally say that." She admitted. She pulled me off her so I was looking into her eyes. "But I'm here to say Isabel's a fool." She wiped the tears from my eyes. "You tried your best and for once you weren't being delulu and actually acted on your feelings." I laughed a little. "And if she can't see that you're the best fake girlfriend around and the coolest girl in this dumb fucking school than that's her loss. You did everything you could."

"Thanks PJ." I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Josie. Can I talk to you?" I recognised that husky voice. Isabel.

"No actually, you can't." PJ released me from our hug and marched over to the cheerleader. "You treated Josie like shit and now you expect her to talk to you?"

I placed my hand on PJs shoulder, signalling her to shut up.

"I'll wait for you by our lockers." PJ told me, throwing a dirty look to Isabel before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

"What do you want?" I asked sitting back down on the desk.

"I didn't mean for you to see that." She said lowly referring to the kiss. "I wanted to talk to you first."

"Talk then." I said bluntly.

"After you went home yesterday, Jeff showed up at my house. He told me how much he misses me, and he asked me back. He said he's ready to commit and I'm the only one he wants. So our plan worked."

"So that's it. Everything we had is over?"

"The plan is over, I don't need you to be my fake girlfriend anymore, but I hope we can still be friends." She offered me a smile.

"I don't want to be your fucking friend Isabel." I looked her in the eye, another tear falling down my face. "Do you seriously think I did this for your plan? I did this because I liked you. Not as your fake girlfriend but as me, Josie. I opened up to you, I thought you liked me, really liked me. What about last night? We had sex. Friends don't do the things we did Isabel."

"I'm sorry." Isabel said, she had no other words.

I stood up and walked out. I had nothing left to say to her. I hid my face in my locker while I wiped my tears away and took a deep breath. I closed it and stood in silence with PJ, watching everyone around us getting on with their days while my world had been shattered to pieces.

We watched as Isabel leapt into Jeffs arms so he could carry her to class. PJ held my hand and gave it a supportive squeeze.

Thanks for reading!

Sorry for the angst but it had to happen

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