Chapter 4

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I saw Bottoms again today so I've got plenty of inspiration.


"Hey Jos!" PJ called me over from across the hallway. I smiled at my best friend as I shuffled towards her.

"Wanna hang out? I didn't see you all weekend, I guess you were shacked up with your cheerleader." She said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Actually no, I was home all weekend. I got behind on my homework and Ms Simone isn't happy." I told her honestly. "I saw you at the fair though, did you have fun?"

"We left just after we saw you."

"Why? It had barely started."

"Me and Hazel had stuff to do." A cheeky smile spread across my best friend's face. "And by that, I mean I had to do Hazel and she had to do me."

"Gross." I pulled a face.

"You're just jealous, now you're the only virgin left in the group."

"What group?" I laughed. "We have no other friends. Our 'group' is you and me."

"Well you're still the only virgin."

I ignored my friends attempt to tease me and pulled the neckline of my t shirt down to reveal to her my hickey.

"Holy fuck Jos. Who did that?" Excitement spread across PJs face.



I shook my head.


I shook it again.

"Surely it wasn't Stella-Rebecca, she only came out yesterday."

"No, it wasn't her either."

"Then who?"

"Isabel." I finally told her. She leant back on her locker in disbelief.

"But why? You don't need to go to those extremes to get Jeff to want her again, i've seen the way his eyes follow her."

"I don't know. We were at the diner making out and then she just did it. She claimed it was to sell our relationship to some guys who might go to Rockbridge, but I don't know if they even go here." I explained. "This might sound crazy, but I think she likes me. Like for real."

"That's not crazy. You're so cool Josie, she'd be a fool not to like you." It was rare for PJ to drop a compliment that wasn't backhanded or a joke, I smiled at her. "But just be careful, I don't want her to lead you on if she actually wants Jeff. You're not her toy."

"I know." I reassured her.

"Do you want to hang out then? We could go to the diner and you can walk me through your make out session and hickey with all the gory details."

"I can't. I agreed to watch Isabel at cheer practice. They share the session with the football team so Jeff will be sure to see." I declined her offer. "But even if I could go, I wouldn't give you too many details. I know you would use it to rub one out later."

"You know me too well." She laughed. "And it wouldn't be the first time I've imagined your girlfriend." She said in my ear.

"PJ that's gross, how would you feel if I jerked off to Hazel?"

"Great. Hazel's hot."

"What the fuck PJ." I laughed. She's so strange. "See you tomorrow." I said as I walked out towards the football field.

I took a seat on the bleachers and sat my backpack down next to me. I could see the football players throwing and catching balls. I don't care for sports, they're so dumb. I hear music play and the cheer team begin to dance and throw each other around, the centre of the routine was Isabel. I'm biased but she was the best dancer there.

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