Chapter 3

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Hello again!

This ones a long chapter but I really enjoyed writing it!



"So they're pretending to date so she can get Jeff back." PJ explained Josie and Isabel's plan to her girlfriend Hazel in a hushed whisper. It was the end of the school day and they were stood at their lockers and aware of the other students around them.

"I don't get it. Why Josie?" Hazel asked, the plan confused her.

"Well it benefits her too, she gets to hang around with cheerleaders and if all the lesbians at school see Isabel wants her, they'll want her too." PJ said with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

"No, I get that, but why did Isabel choose Josie?"

"What do you mean? I just told you she gets to hang"

"Around with cheerleaders, I know." Hazel interrupted her girlfriend. "But Isabel is the most popular girl in school and quite frankly she looks like she walked off a Victoria's Secret runway and into our school, she's gorgeous."

"She's not that gorgeous." PJ argued, jealous that hazel referenced another girls looks.

"She's not my type, I prefer overall wearing horny losers." Hazel teased before placing a delicate kiss on PJs lips, she felt PJ smile into the kiss. "But as I was saying, Isabel is popular, so she could've chosen anyone to use in this little plan of hers. Why didn't she choose a football player, or someone hot like a cheerleader, no offence to Josie but she's not everyone's type."

"That's actually a really good point Hazel." PJ thought aloud. "It's so hot when you say smart things like that." PJ eyed up her girlfriend like she was ready to pounce on her at any moment.

"I know what that look means." Hazel smirked. "But before I fuck you senseless in the janitor's closet, can I just say I think this is a dumb idea?"

"Hazel there is nothing dumb about you and me fucking in the janitors club." She said soberly.

"No, not that idea." Hazel laughed. "That's my favourite idea you've ever had. I meant Isabel and Josie's plan, that's dumb."

"That's what I said!" PJ agreed. "Because she'll end up getting hurt."

"Exactly." Hazel said, capturing PJ in a kiss, slamming her body up against her locker. "Now take me to the janitor's closet Peej." She offered her hand and PJ grabbed it and dragged her down the hallway.

I'm getting used to this (fake) dating Isabel stuff. We walk down the hallway, holding hands, and it feels so natural. Sure, we still get weird looks from some of the football players but most of school smiles at us, it's nice for people to actually notice me for once. We walk past PJ and Hazel, I throw them a smile but they're way too caught up in whatever weird sex thing they're about to do. I know exactly what those smirks mean. Gross.

"Isabel, can I talk to you?" We're stopped by Jeff standing in our way.

"What do you want?" Isabel asks directly.

"In private." He throws me a dirty look and nods his head back to signal her away from me.

"I'll only be a minute." Isabel reassured me with a kiss to my cheek. I let go of her hand and crossed the hallway to where Isabel's friends were standing.

"Ugh, what does he want?" Brittany asked. I looked around, unsure who she was talking to but I catch her eye.

"Are you asking me?" I asked.

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